Telling secrets pt2

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                    JIMIN'S POV

We all turned to the person in shock.

"Young". I whisper. "You have a dragon?". I look at him in disbelief. Young chuckles. "I do". He said. "How in the hell did we not know?". Namjoon asked. "Y'all didn't ask". Young shrugged his shoulders. "Who the fuck asks people if they have a dragon out of nowhere?". Jungkook said. Young just shrugs again. "Who did you have?". I asked. "Ziluno". He answered.

"Holy shit". Caesar exclaimed in excitement. "Is he that strong?". Jin says to Caesar. "He's part of the original three". Caesar said. "No one knew what happened to them since they just disappeared into thin air, people thought they were dead". Caesar says.

"So where are the other two?". Jungkook asked. "We don't know, but it won't be good if that organization has them". Caesar said. I was looking around the room and I randomly said "Who else has a secret?". And everyone raised their hand. Great.

"Ok, so to recap on the only two that wanted to speak".

Jin- has the strength of a thousand wolves

Namjoon- half werewolf and can create mysticals creatures

"Why in the hell did you two raise your hands for then?". I threw a glare at the Min brothers. "I really don't know what the hell I got". Jungkook says. "So show me". I ask. He stood up and took off his shirt. I see Tae blush so many different colors of red. But I focus on Jungkook and I see a symbol that he has on his chest.

 But I focus on Jungkook and I see a symbol that he has on his chest

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"What is that?" Hoseok said. Aluna, do you know what this is?. 'I'll start off and say that it's not good Jimin at all'. Aluna tell me with alert in her voice. How so?. 'It's the new mark of the Heraways Jimin, we have to get rid of it!'. Aluna says.

Oh my god. I widen my eyes at what she said. "Jun-jungkook ho-how long have you had that?". I asked shaking. "What's wrong Jimin?". Jungkook says. I got agitated. "Just tell me!". I shouted at him. "Sin-since birth". He said scared. No.

'Aluna, what do we do?'. 'We need to find that kid earlier then we expect Jimin'. She said. Alright try to find him please. 'Of course Goddess'. She says. "What's the problem?". Tae said with a soft voice. "Something not good Tae". I rub my head and sat down.

"Don't tell me I'm going to died Jimin". Jungkook says with a shaken voice. "Don't be ridiculous child". Jin said laughing. "Tell him Jimin, it's not that serious". He turns to look at me but I look at him with a sadness in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Jungkook, but if I don't find what I need to get rid of that mark....

"You will died".

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