The bell rings which means school's over and tonight I'm going out. I don't go out too often since I'm only 13 and when I do its to the plaza. It never gets old there. I sat on the back of the bus with my usual group of 6, but today only 4 of us will be going out cause the others cant or are busy. When I arrived home I started getting ready. I was leaving at 6:30 and it was 4:45. I had enough time to go over my curls, pick out an outfit,and even squeeze in a sandwich. When I finished eating it was 5:50. I went upstairs and put on my outfit. The weather felt fresh. It felt just right. So for that reason tonight I'm wearing white shorts, that aren't too short and I know that cause if they were my dad wouldn't have bought them,with a pink tanktop and and my black spaghetti strap peaking out at the bottom with black sneakers. I add a hint of mascara. I don't need eye makeup since the color itself makes my eyes pop. I put on some lip gloss and grab my phone that was charging and put it in my pocket. As my dad would say, things have changed, and I'm talking about phones this time. Home phones before were all that exsisted in 12, but even then not many people had it. My parents don't think I need a phone, but they give it to me in case of an emergency. I let the time fly by drawing in my sketch pad. It's a picture of my mom's Mockingjay pin with flames around it. It looks exact. I use some of the crayons Peete left laying around the living to color in. I colored the pin gold,the flames orange and yellow, and the background black. It looks nice. I might have to draw another one to put in my locker. I draw a smaller version within a few minutes and before I know it its time. My mom was downstairs when I got home. I went straight upstairs though just saying a quick "Hi". She wasnt there when I went downstairs though. I'm just about to walk upstairs when I hear the front door open. It's my dad. He's just now getting home?
"Dad, I thought you were home already?"
"Sorry, I got caught up at the bakery."
"Oh, can you take me to the plaza already?"
"Sure, yeah." He gives me a look as if trying to figure something out and steps closer "Are you wearing makeup?" Am I? It's just mascara but I always wear a stroke or two of it.
"Just the usual, a hint of mascara."
"Oh? I guess it looks different this time? It's probably just me....let's just go" He holds the door open for me and we drive off. When we've arrived all but one of the girls have arrived. I see them waiting for me in front of the pizza diner. I notice my dad scanning the group, I know he's trying to make sure there are no boys. I get off and walk over to his side of the car as the window is rolled down since his side is the sidewalk. I rest my arms on the car door.
"Dad, I promise there are no boys!"
"Good." He reaches into his pocket and holds out money. "Here's $30 since it looks like there's a lot to do here. Please, please be careful. I can't say that enough times." He says in a voice of plead.
"I will don't worry."
"Alright, I gotta get home to your mother its already getting a little late"
"Oh yeah, date night!" I say in an excited voice. I love when my parents get time alone. They do so much for us and they deserve these nights.
"Nosey, nosey." He says jokingly teasing me. He grabs the back of my head and kisses my forehead. "I love you, sweetheart"
"I love you too, Daddy" He smiles at me and says bye before he drives off.
When Peeta arrives home I'm excited. It 6:45 and I just want this night to get started. I sent Peete to Haymitch's already because he was excited to see him again and weirdly enough Haymitch was excited too. I'm laying on the bed on my back mentally deciding what to wear. But I don't know what the plans are so I can't really decide just yet. I here him walk into the room and I sit up immediately. Were both grinning big. We both can't wait. He comes over and leans down to kiss me with his hands on the bed on both sides of me.
"So what do you have planned?" He gives my stomach a gentle kiss and then gives me a little flirty smile.
"A late night picnic out in the meadow, then just hang out there, then we could come back here and..." Then he winks at me as he takes off his shirt. I blush of course. This seems perfect. I love just being alone with Peeta. We could do anything and I'd be okay with it, but the Meadow makes it even better. It's our get away from the world to just be together without any distractions.
"Perfect. What should I wear?" Peeta is now walking around in just his boxers over to the closet where we hang our dressy clothes and stuff like that. God, my hormones are everywhere. I want him right now, but I know he'd want to wait and I do to. It's better that way so we could take our time and do it more than once instead of now where it would either be a quickie, or it would interfere with his plans. "Pull it together, Hormonal !" I think to myself.
"Hhhmm, you'd look hot in these, but they're too formal, and I don't think your baby bump would allow it." He says walking over to the drawers. He opens it and searches. He holds up what I had in mind all along. A strapless denim colored dress that goes just above my knees, with four layers overlapping eachother, and a thick brown belt that buttons on the opposite side of each other overlapping.
"This. This looks perfect, and the best part its elastic in the center." He says rubbing my stomach.
"I get it, I'm fat." I say in a serious tone so he'll freak.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that you're not fat, you look beautiful I promise. I'm sorry."
I stand up grab the back of his neck and laugh a little.
"Calm down, I was joking." I lean in and kiss him. "I know you would never call me fat even if I was."
"I love you, Katniss."
"I love you, Peeta."
We share one last kiss and get ready.
I put on my dress and thin pink that goes up to the center of my forearm on, that also is long in the front and goes shorter up the back. Peeta was wearing dark grey dress pants with a pastel green button up shirt that, of course, goes up to his elbows and leave the top two buttons unbuttoned. He walks out from the bathroom and stares at me. I can see him from behind the mirror as I put on a little lip gloss. I turn around.
"What?" He opens his mouth but all he does is smile.
"I-I just can't believe that....you're mine."
"That's right" I say walking over to him and putting my arms around his waist." And I will always be yours." He gives me a kiss on the forhead and I look up confused which makes him confused.
"That's all I get?" I say sarcasticly as a joke. He chuckles and gives me a long passionate kiss.
"Let's head out." He says with our noses together.
Hope you enjoyed. Comment or vote. -Torii