There Is Lore?!?

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I stepped out of the room after the Eeveelutions said their goodbyes. Deeks then took me to the site's shooting range. "So, Have you ever fired a gun before, Brian?", he asked me while he was taking out a assortment of weapons. I thought about the question for a second before shaking my head. "Hey Deeks", I said, "can you tell me about the eeveelutions?". Deeks looked at me with worry,"Uh s-sure I guess, what do you want to know?". "Where did they come from?", I asked Deeks while I was loading a handgun he handed me. "Well, they came from the Pokemon world, obviously", he answered trying to hide something. I finished loading the handgun and placed it on the back of his head. "You're not telling me something. if I don't hear everything about them come out of your lips, your big ass brains gonna paint this wall.", I heard myself say. What the fuck Brian, I thought, am I going to kill this man over some foxes?. Deeks turned around with his hands raised, "Alright, I'll tell you everything I know, just please don't kill me!" I placed the gun down on the table near the gun racks. We walked out of the room into a interviewing room, I think. He sat down across from me, with his arms crossed. "So let's talk Deeks.", I said with demandingness. He let out a sigh, "alright so, a year ago we found a way to open a portal to the Pokemon World, which we named Universe-P20. I was part of the researcher team who was assigned to enter the world. On the 20th of June that year, our research team of 10 men entered the portal. It took us at least 2 minutes to be teleported into Universe-P20. We were shocked of what we saw when we arrived. It was everything what one would dream of in Pokemon. Pidgeys flying in flocks over head, families of ratattas scouring around. We saw trees and plants that we had never seen before. Before we could start taking samples, a young trainer with brown hair attempted to battle us. He sent out a umbreon, who you may know as Gustave or Doc. Before he could command Gustave to attack us, one of our armed guards shot in, instantly killing him. You fucking retard! Why the hell did you shoot him!?!, our commander asked him. He responded by apologizing and saying that he was about to attack. You fool! Deeks, Grab those pokeballs and that Umbreon and let's go, NOW!, He ordered me. I promptly grabbed everything I could and ran to the portal our team had set up. The umbreon, who uses his past trainer's name, turned into the trainer laying on the ground. He began to cry, demanding us to answer why we killed his beloved trainer. I never felt so much guilt before hearing a damn Umbreon cry his trainers name. When we got back to the site, we decided to make a room for the eeveelutions. One where they would feel welcome and at home. Trust me Brian, I never wanted to harm anyone when we went on that exhibition. It was that damned guard's fa-". I broke him off with a slam on the table, "Where is this guard now!?!". Deeks recoiled with fear, "H-h-he's uh at his dorm room I think, why?". I look at him hard in the eye, "I need this payback!" Deeks stood up, "Brian, I wanted to kill him when he did it. I still want to, but you have somekind of connection to those pokemon. A kind of connection one couldn't understand. So here, go get that payback!". Deeks lifted his shirt and pulled out a pistol. He slid it across the table to me, "If anything happens, I'll blame it on his roommate. Also, be sure to see me tomorrow, we need to train for your mission.". I looked at him with confusion. "You know. The whole thing yesterday!", he stated. I nodded and walked out of the room. I loaded the pistol, time for some needed payback...

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