Ghosts Of The Past

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Yesterday, Jackson's house
Me and jackson had been playing RSS and COD all day long. After the 3rd match I won, I decided to get up to get some food from his kitchen. His fridge was always stocked with so much unhealthy food, it was a surprise that he isn't fat. I grabbed a slice of pizza from a box and closed the fridge. I loved to eat pizza cold, despite Jackson saying its the equivalent to pouring milk before cereal. So I grabbed a plate and walked back to his room. When I walked in Jackson was on his phone, blushing weirdly. I asked him why he was blushing, he looked at me and got up from the bed. He met my eyes and kissed me passionately. I pushed him away, blushing harder than he was. "What the fuck was that Jackson?!?", I asked him. He looked down at the ground, " I love you Brian, I've loved since we first met.". I looked at him in embarrassment and shock and dropped my plate of pizza. I turned around and walked out of the house, slamming the door behind me...

I was pulled out of my deep thinking by the sound of someone opening the door. It was Gustave, the researcher I met earlier. "Hi again Brian, you ready to tour the site?", he asked me. He had a really welcoming smile plastered on his face. I nodded and got up with a grunt. We walked out of the room into a lit hallway. It had white walls and purple lights on the ceiling. "So, Do you know why they took you here?", Gustave asked. I looked at him with confusion, "they?".  He stopped walking to greet two men with guns. "Where are you taking him?", one of the men questioned. "Just on a tour of the site and to see the eeveelutions", Gustave responsed. The man looked at the other one, "Alright, but make it quick, Deeks needs him for the project". Gustave nodded his head and motioned for me to follow him. We walked through the door that the two men were standing by. We walked for a short distance before we reached a door marked "Pokes". "So, Patrick said you can understand us? Is that correct?", he asked me. I nodded to him, "Yes I can". He opened the door, revealing three eeveelutions, including Patrick, They all turned to look at me. A flareon looked at Gustave, "Doc, why did you bring this human?". Gustave then throw off his coat and begun to transform. A thick gas surrounded him as I heard bones creaking. When the gas disappeared, a umbreon was standing in Gustave's place. "This human, he apparently can understand us!", the umbreon said with happiness. The Flareon looked at me with suspicion, "What is your name, Human?". "My name is Brian, but you can call me Keith", I responded. The Flareon jumped back in surprise, "Y-y-you do understand us?". I nodded with a smile. "Holy shit! After a year on this world, we finally find him!", the Flareon shouted. A jolteon then stepped up to the Flareon and slapped him, "don't be so foolish, he can't be a trainer!" The Flareon then backed away, "Alright, let's introduce ourselves to....Keith". The other eeveelutions nodded in agreement. The Jolteon walked up to me, "Im Ace, as you can see I'm a Jolteon!". Patrick, the Vaporeon I met from this morning raised his paw, "You already know me, Pat the Vap". The Umbreon, who I could only assume is Gustave, walked up to me with another umbreon, "I'm Gustave, the human you met earlier, I have the ability to transform into a human form. This little shit is Shadow, my twin brother!". Shadow pushed Gustave away, "don't do me like that, Im Shadow, the better umbreon!" I then felt a tickle on my leg from behind me. I turned away to see what is was. Before me was a sylveon who was laughing a little bit, "I'm Sam the jokester sylveon". The Flareon from earlier walked up to me, "and finally, Im Red, I hope you can be our trainer!" They all looked at me with a weird type of happiness. I took a deep breathe, "Can someone explain what Red said earlier?". Every eeveelution expect Red looked saddened by the question. Red then spoke up, "well you see uh Keith we ki-". He was interrupted by a sudden bang on the door. "Dr. Gustave, is Brian in there?".....

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