Santo Toque

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I carried Patrick back to my room with Gustave and Red behind me. I walked into my room and made a little bed for Patrick on my bed. Folding my zebra felt covers over and molding a bed. I placed him into it and kissed him on the forehead, like a mother would with their child. I turned off the lights and left with Red and Gustave.

We walked down the now usual hallway, with its mystical purple glow. We walked for a few minutes before reaching Deeks' office. I knocked on the door, "Daniel, you in there?".

A Daniel Deeks who was in a tank top smoking a cigarette greeted me, "Great there you are. You want a smoke?". I nodded and he handed me a cigarette and lit it. I took a big puff and breathed out the smoke.

"So, take a seat and i'll explain a few things. Hopefully clear some stuff up", He said while grabbing me a chair from outside of his office. I took the seat and Red jumped into my lap. Gustave was still in his human form, so he just leaned against the door.

"So", Daniel started, "I'll try to explain that.....godly power you had. Back when we first started the testing, a collage of mine proposed a revolutionary idea that sparked the more...rigor testing. This idea is called the Goldwin Proposal. He proposed that if a human from any timeline, world, or universe has a great bond with a pokemon or group of pokemon, then that human could use their pokemon's moves under certain circumstances. We call those circumstances 'Santo Toques', which means holy touches since the person can obtain god-like power. You are the first case that I've seen where a human from our universe has successfully reached that point. Brian, I think you've made history in this site.". He leaned back in his chair and took a puff.

I nodded trying to comprehend what I just heard. "Wait I still don't understand what the testing was for and why it was continued.". Daniel looked at me with wet eyes.

"We were basically trying to be a man-made God. A God with powers that could end war and everything.", Daniel explained with a new found sadness. He wiped his now wetter eyes, "Look, after the whole Santo Toque I witnessed from you, I'm seeing you may be better at taking care of the eeveelutions. However, since I feel like if I give you all 6 of them, something may....happen. So me and high command has decided to give you a choice of 3. The other 3 will be re-introduced back into Universe P20. You can even do that yourself, if you don't trust us.". He leaned over and grabbed a ash tray on the table. He crushed his cigarette into it and then handed the tray to me.

I did the same while petting Red, "I have my choice on the 3 eeveelutions i'll take with me. Are you also going to follow my two other requests?".

Daniel pushed a button and pulled a mic towards his mouth, "Dr. Goldwin, bring Jackson Allens to room 08" He lifted his finger. He smiled at me and pulled open a draw and pulled out a checkbook. He ripped out a check and filled it out, "Now I don't know if a bank can pay out 20 million. However, if you bring this check to the head office on the surface level, I'm sure they can get it fixed out". He slid it over to me and I took it.

Knock Knock....

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