Allies And Daggers

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I heard a knock at my door when I decided to finally get up. I lightly moved Pat to my left side and got out of bed. A tall man with silvery-red hair greeted me when I opened the door. He held out his hand, I shook it with hesitation. "You are the person that Deeks tortured yesterday?", he asked me with a low voice. I nodded my head with a confused look on my face, "Yes, how did you know that?". He motioned for me to follow him," I'm one of the researchers that worked alongside Deeks during Exhibition-P20. My name is Jeffery Smith, I'm here to help you." I followed him to a office down the hallway. He pull out a chair for me at a table, "Wait, but why help me though? You and I don't know each other." Smith begun pulling out files out a drawer, "Because, you did something that no one here could. Not even during Project P20-UI! You made a bond with those pokemon, not to mention you know their language!". He placed the stack of files in front of me, "Do you trust Deeks, Brian?". I thought for a answer to this, "I don't have a reason to or not to." Smith rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. He opened the file on the top, exposing papers that had the words "Redacted Data" on the top, "Well, I'll give you a reason not to. Take a look at this, ignore the blacked out parts." He slid me a piece of paper with the words "Project P20-UI (Elemental War)". On the paper was detailed instructions and....torture methods, "Smith, what is this?". He locked the door to the office," This was a experimental project that Deeks spearheaded after exhibition P20, the exhibition that killed a trainer. It's goal was the train Pokémon for war usage. However, Deeks didn't realize what happens when you force a pokemon to do shit." I shook my head, "What happened?"
Smith pulled up a chair to the table for him," Well, Deeks wanted power that he couldn't just force to get. When he attempted to shock the eeveelutions one day, that Jolteon absorbed the shock and electric power. It used a move, I think it's called Thunder. It blew up half the site's left wing, killing 15 and injuring 7. We'd never seen such power before, so we didn't know how to deal with it. Against Deeks pleads, all testing was put on hold until we could figure out to control that power. Do you know the real reason your here?" I shook my head rapidly, "There's s reason I'm here?" Smith chuckled, "Yes, there's a special reason. If you didn't notice, your labeled as a VIP or a B-Class. Which means you have power here,  people under your class or rank have to listen to you. Your only a VIP because Deeks needs you for the testing, that's the reason your not 6-feet under yet. All that bullshit about the 'Demons' is all a cover. Those Demons he talks about, the whole friend dying and shit, it's all fake. You honestly believe he was going to give you 20 Million dollars? Please, you'd be lucky if you got out of here alive.". I pulled my fingers against my eyes, rubbing the disbelief off of them. "What has he done to the eeveelutions?", I questioned. Smith pulled out his phone and opened it. He raised the phone to my face, "watch this." He pressed play and gave me the phone.

In the video was Deeks and Smith, who were holding surgery instruments. "Alright, this is test 163 of Project P20-UI", I heard Smith say with a saddened and tired voice.  "Are you ready to begin Dr.Deeks?", Smith asked a smiling Deeks. "I'm as ready as ever!", he replied with a chillingly cheerful voice. "Alright, test subject today is 'Red'. A flareon from universe P20. He has been the most stubborn with testing. So today we are trying something....different. Isn't that right Deeks?", Smith explained with a depressed voice. "Oh yes, since we know that flareons are fire types, we are going to be dunking him into a vat of ice cold water!", Deels said while jumping up and down. Smith sighed before carrying a pet container to Deeks, who was standing by a tub of water. Deeks opened the container and pulled out Red. He then lowered Red into the water, holding him by his Neck Ruff. This produced a loud, ear piercing cry from the fire type.

Before I could finish watching it, Smith pulled the phone away from me. I began to get enraged, "Did you allow him to do this?!?" Smith nodded a slow nod, "Yes, I'm so sorry Brian. I regret allowing him to test on them like that, I want to help you get them out of here. But I need you do something for me. I need you to go into Deeks' office and grab a weapon. It looks like a fusion rifle, it has a green glow to it. When you get it, bring it back here. Then we'll come up with a plan". I looked at him skeptically, "alright I guess". I got up from the chair and headed for the door. Smith grabbed my shoulder, "You can do this." I nodded and left the office...

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