The Living Nightmare

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Brian woke up and looked around him, He was in a room of some kind. The room was painted a ugly off white color and had a steel door at the far corner. The room smelled sweet and unpleasant .He tried to move his arms but found they were tied down with rope. It was very worn, as if used for other purposes. The door creaked open and a young male walked in wearing a lab coat. He had chestnut hair and deep blue eyes, those like the ocean. He ruffled his hair while he walked towards Brian. "Hello there Brian, I'm Dr.Deeks. I see you have settled in.", He said with accent. Brian looked at him with confusion, "Where am I? How did I get here?". Dr. Deeks started to untie him, " You my good man are at the underground site of the Hunaino foundation!". When he was done untying Brian, he handed him a black jumpsuit. "I need you to put this on", Deeks said with demandingness. Brian begun to take off his clothing and throw them at Deeks's feet. He slipped on the jumpsuit and looked at Deeks, who was picking up his clothing. "So can I ask why I'm here?", Brain questioned. Deeks glanced up at Brian, "Well, I can't actually. It's classified information. Also I need you to put this helmet on.". Deeks handed Brian a fluorescent purple helmet. He begun to put the helmet on, which started to make a beeping sound. "Now I need you to go lay back down and sleep again.", Deeks commanded. Brian did what he was told and closed his eyes when in bed.

~~~Brian's POV~~~

I dreamed I was in my home at night, I'm in my bed as if I had just woken up from sleep. I heard a raspy voice tell me to come into the kitchen, I didn't want to but I felt a mental force take control of my body and force me to go to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen I saw something so spine-chilling that it was even unreal for dreams. The creature is a tall and skinny humanoid entity that stands at least 7 and a half feet tall. It was so skinny that I could see its bones. It has pale, pasty almost dirty eggshell white skin. It's limbs are abnormally long and thin. It's fingers have a hook-like claw at the end where the nail is supposed to be.It's face is like a normal human's. But instead of normal eyes, It has two marble shaped black eyes that stare straight through me, burning into my soul. It's mouth seemed normal and human-like, until it opened it, revealing a mouth that was four times as big as a human's. On top of the size of the mouth, the mouth of this creature had one row full of razor sharp teeth ready to cut and eat anything. Upon seeing this, I found that I could not move and the monster started making its move towards me. It lunged at me from the corner of the room with outstretched arms. It had its mouth open wide enough for it to swallow me whole and I was screaming.
Then I woke up in my home, a complex. I was breathing heavily and I sweated so much that my blanket was soaked. I couldn't go to sleep and I just stayed awake thinking about the dream I just had about that thing.

Finally morning came and I prepared to get ready for work. After I had my clothes on and everything done, I got in my red Honda Civic and drove to work. When I got to work I noticed something was off. Everyone was outside in tears. I rushed up to my coworker and close friend, Teresa Parker to see what happened. "It was awful!" She said "this creature attacked and killed our boss!". When I asked about what it looked like, Teresa told me it was around 7 feet tall and had whitish skin color. That's when I realized that the creature in my dream last night wasn't fake, it was very much real. I drove teresa home, to insure her safety. When we got to her home, I walked her to the door. When she open her door I notice something. In the corner of her living room, there was a whitish thing resting against the gray lamp she never used. I told teresa I'd check it out, she said good luck, you'll need it. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a ten-inch chef's carving knife to protect myself. I then went and stood at the doorway into the living room. My heart was pounding so hard, I felt it bouncing against my rib cage. I walked slowly towards this whitish thing. Once I got close enough I could see that it was a humanoid creature that had dirty eggshell color skin. This thing had its hands, which were the size of pans, over its face. Then suddenly it began to raise its arms up, which were long enough to touch the ceiling. I began to literally sprint to the door, I took Teresa that we needed to get the hell out of here. After we got in my Honda, I saw the Humanoid creature run at us while screaming a high pitched cry." shit shit shit, we're going to die!!" Teresa said in tears, I kicked the gas pedal to the floor and prayed to God that we won't die. We hit 100 miles per hour and that creature was still follow us, not to mention very close to our car. That's when I remembered, I had a 12 Gauge in my backseat for safety purposes. I then did the unthinkable, I stopped the car and grabbed the 12 Gauge and loaded it. I told Teresa to run like hell, I then fired at the creature. The recoil from the gun was strong enough to make me almost fall. Suddenly the creature run at me, arms completely out and ready to grab and eat me.

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