The Raid Of Hundino 78

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"You know Brian, you need to stop testing me", I heard a wicked voice say. I turned around to see the devil himself; Deeks. "You honestly think I'm stupid, don't you?", He asked in a growl. "No, I thought you were less than that", I replied with a scoff. Deeks ran at me and attempted to tackle him to the ground, but I moved out of the way. He ran straight into the wall I was standing in front of, creating a loud sound. "Fuck! You fucking pest!", Deeks yelled out in pain. I laughed and kicked him in the ribs, causing him to fall around onto the ground. Before I could landed another kick to him, I heard a soft explosion in the background. "What the hell was that?!", I asked out loud. Deeks held up his hand, "Stop for a second, I don't like the sound of that". He pulled out a small device and punched in a number, "Yes this is senior researcher and commander of MTF P2034, what was that explosion? What do you mean you don't know?!? Find the fuck out!". He got up from the ground and looked at me with anger, "Look, I'm going to let the fact you snuck into my office slide for now. I have bigger problems to deal with. If you want to be useful for once in your life, then follow me." He ran out of the room and I decided to follow him.

We ran down a lightened hallway into what I could only assume is a armory. Inside were at least 20 people, 4 of whom were wearing purple camo. One of the purple camo people stepped forward and greeted Deeks, "Hello Major Deeks, I see you heard that explosion as well." He looked at me and pointed to my chest, "Before I brief you and get your MTF in order, may I ask who is this?". Deeks cleared his throat, "Sir, this is Brian Stein. He is a B-Class personal and knows how to fight and fire a weapon. I have reason to believe he will be help in whatever this may be." The man nodded his head and extended his hand, "Hello Brian , I'm General Colimons.". I shook his hand with a firm grip, "Pleasure to meet you sir.". He cleared his throat and pulled out a file, "That explosion that you and Deeks heard was from a raid that is currently taking place. As you know Deeks, we have a rather powerful enemy who wants to capture this faculty. They call themselves 'The Dead End Cure' and they have the fighting power of Isis. I got word from the first level that there is at least 40 armed men. So hopefully, you guys can get it under control with swiftness." Deeks saluted him and he saluted back, "I'll make sure of it sir!" Gen.Colimons left the room, leaving me with Deeks and 19 other men. Deeks turned to me and smiled, "I hope you can use your skill of killing people in this task". I nodded, "I hope so too".

His MTF and I geared up with weaponry and armor. I was given a M16A2 with iron sights and a laser, three gerandes, and a M9. After everyone got geared up and ready, Deeks stood in front of us. "Now men", Deeks started, "I believe we will win this with our superior fire power and skills. Brian, I have faith that you won't die in this fire fight. But if you do, have fun in hell". I scoffed and loaded my M16. We were lead to a large service elevator that could fit 30ish people in it.

After about 2 minutes of riding the elevator, it finally stopped. We stepped out of it and walked down a long hallways full of tables and chairs. We turned around the first corner and made our way to the front of the building. "Oh cool, looks like they brought us more friends to play with boys!", A raspy voice yelled out with sinister happiness. Deeks turned to me," Don't you op out now!" I laughed, thinking he was joking. I stopped once I realized he wasn't, "Alright Deeks". Before anyone could engage in the now present enemy, we heard six loud crys. I smiled, knowing exactly what was about to happen...

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