The Last Straw.

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I woke up in a darkened room. I tried to move but realized I was tied to a chair. "Oh, I see your awake. That's good, now the real fun can start", I heard a sinister voice say. I opened my eyes to see Deeks standing near a control panel with three armed guards. "You do really like my pets, don't you?", Deeks asked me in a cheerful voice. "What the fuck are you doing?", I growled nm a low voice. Deeks laughed and showed me a computer monitor, "I gave you a chance to cooperate, Brian. But seems you were too stupid to take that chance." On the computer monitor were two armed guards, who had shock batons in hand. Along with them were..... the eeveelutions, "What the fuck are you doing with them!" Deeks chuckled and slapped me, "Oh Brian, do you remember those demons we talked about yesterday?". I nodded with clenched teeth," Yes I fucking do, why?" He pointed to a faint glow of light coming from a corner of the monitor, "That right there, is a portal. Do you know where that portal goes?". I thought about it for a second, "NO! DONT FUCKING DO THIS DEEKS! THEY DID NOT DO ANYTHING!". I tried to break free from my restraints, injuring myself in the process. Deeks pulled out a telephone out of his back pocket, "Hello? Yes can you two please stop for a second? Thanks!". He tucked the cell phone away again, "You could of prevented this Brian. But it's too late for that, isn't it?". I had begun to tear up, "Please, Deeks don't do this. I'll cooperate from now on. Just please don't hurt them!" Deeks laughed hard, "Oh look who's trying to be a good little boy!". He took out his baton and smashed it against my rib cage, "I was being real lack on you Brian. I thought you would be smart and do what you were told and not try to escape. You've lost that privilege!". I coughed up blood and wheezed. Deeks pressed a button on the control panel, "Alright boys, lets see this little bitch squarm some more!". The two guards on the monitor forced the eeveelutions into the portal. I realized I had begun crying, from the pain and feeling of helplessness. I heard the cries from the eeveelutions through the monitor, "Keith! Help u-". It was caught off when they got through the portal. "You fucking bastard, I should have never trusted you!", I screamed at Deeks. He turned around and smashed the baton against my left leg, "Oh shut the fuck up Brian. You think I would actually kill my pets for your pathetic ass?". Not even a second later I saw the eeveelutions back in the room on the monitor. "What the fuck did you do?", I asked enraged. "Well Brian, that portal didn't lead to the Nightmare Realm, it lead to the locker room!", Deeks laughed out, "Now that we've had our fun. Guards, take him back to his room. You can rough him up if you want to." He leaned over to my ear, "And Brian, if I catch you trying to escape this facility again, i'll make sure you have a front row seat to their murder.". I nodded my head, still shaking from what I experienced. I wasn't shaking from the pain anymore, I was shaking from anger....

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