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I was supposed to be sleeping. We were all supposed to be sleeping. But just like I am sure the adults were, I was stuck awake. Maybe I am my mother's daughter and need to know how to stop them and get my cousins back or maybe I have just had a big day and it's still digesting in my brain. 

"Raven, quiet, I am trying to sleep," Annie told me.

"How can you sleep after that? They knew who we are, what we are. And Skylar and Theo are still there! Imagine what they could do to Skylar and that is only if they find out she is a bloody bird! And if they find out Theo is normal there is no way they would let him go now! But they no longer would have a use for him. Oh my God. They will kill him." My mouth moved faster than my brain realized what I was saying.

"Rave, it is all going to be ok. We will get them back.  Today is not the day we lose my sister or our cousin. Not today okay?" Annie said to me.

"Oh look at you, talking to me like I am a child," I told her.

"I'm sorry," Annie told me in the dark

"No, it good. You are right." I told her. "We will not lose them today." I jumped to my feet. No longer in that new, old and tattered dress, I stood from my makeshift bed in an oversized shirt and a pair of pajama pants. I opened the door and the light flooded the room. Annie got up behind me. I walked down the hall to the staircase. I imagined my mum sitting here years and years ago. Listening to Jake and Saundra discuss whatever was happening at the time. I know Willow had some trouble going through school so that is what I imagine was the main thing she listened to. 

"So how are we getting them back then?" Autumn asked the rest of them.

"Tomorrow morning we go to the police station who should be working on finding the boat right now. With all seven, eleven, fifteen, plus you and Ace and I could get My brother here by at least tomorrow." Amber told her.

"How would that help?" Autumn asked her.

"Well. Um all of us are either shifter, raised shifters, grew up with a shifter or Ciri." Lucy told her.

"Hey! I am helpful!" Ciri said.

"Of course you are," everyone told her. Olivia, Annie, and I laughed quietly from our spot at the top of the stairs.

"So we find the boat, have them all arrested, and go back to our lives?" Autumn asks.

"Yeah, basically." My Mum tells her.

"But..." Autumn objected.

"Apollo and I have come to care for Ace very much. However, we understand if you wish to move him to another family." Connor told her. "I have not known these guys very long, other than Red and Raven, but I trust them with my life and I hope they feel the same."

Apollo held Connors' hand.

"I trust that you will keep my baby brother safe and, as long as you can still care for him, I think it would be best for him to stay with the people who care for him," Autumn told them.

"I think it's time for us to get a few hours sleep before the sun rises. Especially you kids at the top of the staircase." Uncle Jake said without turning to look at us. At this point, Ace had joined us and after knowing they knew we were there he ran down to his sister and his foster dads and hugged them. I saw Lucy kiss Ciri, she was still fake hurt by the earlier poke at her. I smile at my family, comforted in knowing how much back up we will have to find the rest of it, and Annie and I go back to our beds and manage a bit of sleep. (2/3/19)

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