Hello Sky

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Theo and Skylar got yelled at by the man they came to know of as Ryan. However, the woman who helped them got it even worse. Ryan grabbed the kids by the arm. Skylar cried out.

"Let go of her!" Theo shouted to the man. He reached his hand up and punched Ryan in the face.  

Ryan took Theo by the wrists and twisted them behind his back. Theo grit his teeth. Not giving the man what he wanted. Not showing the pain. Ryan pushed Theo forward with Skylar close behind. The man, Ryan, continued to yell as he pushed them throughout the boat. They continued down to lower and lower levels. We went down past the first level.  Skylar began to hear voices. Many of them lapping over each other.

"What is that?" Theo asked no one in particular. Ryan rolled his eyes and continued down a hall. It was cold, dark, and wet. Skylar was shoeless and splashed her way behind Ryan and Theo. At the end of the street and faced Theo behind him. Ryan typed a number into a keyboard and pushed the door forward. The voices heightened. The pair was shoved into the room and fell to their knees. 

"We got a new shipment." a young girl the age of Amethyst said. Skylar and Theo looked up to see. "Welcome to the Haul."

"The what?" Skylar asked.

"The Haul. It's what we call our little room. Like the haul of a ship." A boy around Logan's age said from next to the first girl. "We will show you around. That's the kitchen, This is the entryway, upstairs are beds. That's it."

"Don't mind my little brother," an older boy around Raven's age said. "He's a know-it-all but means the best. Hey guys." The boy helped us up. 

"Hello," Theo said putting himself just slightly in front of Skylar. 

"My name is Alex, that's Eli and May. Over there are the heads of the house. Sam and Payton." The Raven boy said.

"I am Theo." He told him.

"And I'm Sky-" Skylar started before being interrupted by the door being yanked open and a woman falling inside before the door was slammed shut again.

"Oh my god," Eli said. "May clear the table." 

The three of them laid down a blanket next to the woman on the ground. Both the woman and the blanket were covered with blood. Theo quickly grabbed the fourth corner of the blanket and helped move her to the table. The way Sam, Payton, Eli, Alex and May worked reminded Theo and Skylar of their parents. It was obvious that this was something that had happened before and not just once. 

"Sky do me a favour and get the bucket from the bathroom and fill it with water," Sam called to Skylar. Who, from that day forward, was known as Sky. (2/2/19)

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