That Block

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Avielle POV-

"I was wrong for coming here suddenly. I'm sorry. Just call me whenever you're free and then we can have a proper conversation. And if you choose after the convo to move forward in Oaklyn's life, we'll work it out where it's fair to both of us." I said once he opened the door and let me back in.

I realized, I was completely out of line for dropping this on him suddenly.

Oaklyn was in his arms. Her tiny arms around his neck, holding him close.

He looked at her.

She yawned and rubbed her tiny nose.

"She hasn't had a nap all day. We came in from Spain yesterday. And we're both trying to get adjusted to the time difference. I'll just take her." I reached for her.

He held his elbow out to stop me.

"Where are y'all staying?" He looked at me with a serious expression on his face. Like a parent questioning a child. 

"Out south." I kept it vague.

"Out south where?"  He demanded more clarification.

"Why does it matter?" I scrunched up my face annoyed.

"Because I need to know where my daughter is staying. You came here because you wanted me to be in her life. It starts today."

See this was the shit I was talking about. Him and his control! His old self was slowly re-emerging.

"Just give her here." I didn't want to argue because Oaklyn was trying to sleep.

"Tell me first." He demanded.

"At a friends. Does that help?" I reached for my daughter.

"Who is this friend?" He continued his questioning.

"Odell, I am a grown fucking woman. Who has raised my daughter quite fine these past years. I don't need you questioning me and my fitness to make decisions for Oaklyn's well being."

He looked at me suspiciously trying to read me.

"I know you not staying with Marshawn." He finally said. Looking down on me like a parent, who had caught their child red handed in a lie.

"Oh my God." I rolled my eyes. "Would you just give her here?"

"Avielle, you been in Spain for the last three years. I don't know if you read the news since you been gone, but 64th  and King Drive is not the move. They literally did an article about how that is the most violent block in Chicago. They shoot anybody over there. Women. Kids. They don't give a shit."

"I grew up there remember." I said sarcastically.

"That shit has changed. Especially with the turf wars. And besides you lived in Hyde park when you left. You ain't been there since you came back from college."

"Marshawn will protect us.
We will be okay. It's temporary until
I find my own place." I defended my older brother.

"Nigga they will shoot his ass too. They don't care about his ranking on the fucking street."

"Odell you're going off newspapers.
That's the closet you been to the hood in this city. Your ass grew up in Beverly. I can handle myself and my child. Give me my daughter please."

"You can go down there if you want to. But she staying here."

He always had a way of trying to boss me, even though I was in fact older than him.

"I am not leaving without her." I said loudly.

Dontae's door opened.

"Listen Avi. You cool and all, but you confused as hell. One minute you want to leave the baby here, next minute you want her. Make up your damn mind. And y'all speak louder so I don't have to strain so hard to hear." He went back in the room.

"I guess you staying too, cause my daughter ain't going down there. Are you crazy?" He got loud.

Oaklyn started getting restless and started crying.

"I'm sorry Oak." He patted her back and kissed her cheek.

She began to settle down.

"Y'all can have my room. And me and Dontae will go get y'all stuff."

"You and who Nigga?" Dontae stuck his head out the door. "Nigga I'm from Georgia. Not Chicago. And I heard enough Chief Keef songs to know what the hell that block is. I'm not getting murdered. Not today. Or anyday. I'm dying of old age peacefully in my sleep."

That block was indeed named after a late gang member who was gunned down on the corner. Chief Keef used lived around there.

"We'll get your stuff. Dontae come change my sheets and pillow cases for them." Odell told him as he sat on the couch with Oaklyn falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Excuse you nigga, I'm an assistant and half-uncle. Not a maid."

"I'll add an extra 20."

"25." Dontae lifted his chin up with his arms folded.


"Clean sheets coming right up." Dontae got clean sheets out a closet in the hallway. "Might need a new mattress all the fucking he be doing."

I looked at Dontae as he walked toward the room.

"Did I say that outloud? That was just a jokey joke." He faked laugh.

"Do what I asked you." Odell said irritated.

"If you rush me that's an extra 20."
He disappeared in the room.

Odell shook his head, then turned his attention to Oaklyn. Who was now asleep on his shoulder.

There was silence.

"This is unnecessary O." I said.

He ignored me and just kept watching Oak sleep on his shoulder.

"You always have to control things. Always have to put a plan in place. Have structure. Order."  I said irritated pacing by the door.

"Is that why you left me? Because I was a man who was willing to step up to the plate for you and provide, and since you never had a daddy in your life to understand that's what real men do, you ran? Sorry I was raised by a father that showed me the way."

I shook my head smiling. "You been waiting three years to throw that jab huh?" I looked at him my smile now faded.

"If the shoe fits." He rubbed Oak's back.

"Glad you could get it out."

"My pleasure. Dontae you finish?" He got up and disappeared into the room.

I felt tears escape my eyes again. My mind was in a daze.

"She laying down. I need to go run some errands, I'll be back. Anything you need ask Dontae." He grabbed his keys and left.


Speak to me y'all! Spread the word if you like it. If you don't tell an enemy so you can fuck up they night with a bad story. 😂😂

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