Shotgun Wedding

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Avielle POV-

"Thank you for getting our things." I told O as I sat with Oak, feeding her breakfast.

Our timing was still off from coming back to America, so we were up earlier than usual.

O had gave us his room, and slept in his office that had a let out couch.

I know he heard me, but he didn't respond. He just got his ironing board down and iron, to iron white dress shirt he had on his  tank covered shoulder. He had on basketball shorts.

"Are you free anytime today so we can have a real sit down." I asked feeding Oak.

"No I'm not." He simply said, preparing to iron his clothes.

"Okay well when do you think you'll have time?"

"I don't know. I haven't spent the last three years of my life twidling my thumbs waiting on you to come back. I have a real job, and a beautiful life that's not gonna stop." He said not looking at me ironing his clothes.

"I didn't expect it to Odell." He was annoying me with his shots, he was taking.

There was silence. "I cooked you breakfast in case you're hungry."

"On Thursdays, I have a special breakfast." He said.

And just like that, there was a knock at his door.

He got the door. A drop dead gorgeous Latina woman stood in the door, in a knee-length A-Line black business dress, showing off her toned arms and legs. Her hair was Auburn brown and she had a chanel pin on the right upper side of her dress.

"Papi I got your Huevos Rancheros." She kissed his lips. He then softly grabbed her face to kiss her longer, as his hand went over her nicely toned ass.

Perfect body bitch. I thought.

It was like me or Oak, weren't in the room.

"Ooooo." She giggled against his lips.

I coughed.

"Sorry Papi am I interrupting...?" She looked at him and then me.

"No. You good. You think you can finish ironing my shirt for me, while I eat babe?" He asked her.

"Of course Papi." She handed him the food and followed him into the kitchen.

He just got a fork. He didn't look at me. Nor did he introduce me, or at least Oak. He literally acted like I was invisible.

"Hi I'm Isabella." The woman reached her hand out to me. "Are you my loves new maid?"

O let out a smirk as he grabbed a bottle of water. He was taking satisfaction in that.

Bitch did I look like a maid.

"No Bella, that's my babysitter." O looked at me smirked, and took a sip of water.

He sat at the counter across from me and opened his food.

"Babysister Papi?" She said as she ironed his shirt.

"Yup. The girl she's holding is mine." He looked at me with a look of arrogance on his face.

He was taking joy in humiliating me.

"You never told me you had a kid Papi?" She looked at him.

"Can't tell you everything Bella. You know I got trust issues due to my past relationship and I had to make sure I trusted you before you met her." He looked at me while saying this eating with no expression.

"Aww. You really trust me Papi?" She said moved.

"Wouldn't lie to you baby."

"Aww." She leaned over and kissed him something serious.

I took Oaklyn in the room and slammed the door.

I rather stay with my brother, than put up with him using every chance to passive aggressively attack me.

I sat Oaklyn on the bed, and began to pack our things.

O came in the room.

"Don't be fucking slamming my door."

"Fuck you Odell." I said.

"You can go wherever the hell you want, but Oak staying here." He told me straight up.

"You are a piece of shit you know that. You get satisfaction out of fucking humiliating me." I yelled.

"And you don't think I was fucking humilated when we were a week away from getting married. I spent every last dime I had on that wedding, and you run off? Our family and friends wondering what the fuck happen and I'm left explaining to people by myself.
There was no wedding cause you jetted off to Spain like a fucking thief in the night." He yelled.

Oak started to cry.

"Aww Oak." I picked her up, while sitting on the bed to comfort her.

"What the hell wrong with y'all its 630 in the gotdamn morning?" Dontae entered the room, scratching his bird chest in some boxers.

"So this is your girl?" Isabella entered and ask.

"Bella, let me..." He went after her but the door slammed.

Dontae stood in the doorway talking to both me and O.

"Listen bruh, you and Avi need to work shit out. At least have a conversation. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today. Cause baby girl don't need to be around all this arguing and fighting. Its already been established she a little bit slow. Now I'll keep her for a small fee of 10,000 while y'all work your shit out." Dontae said looking between me and O.

"Its nothing to work out. Her ass can go, just make sure my daughter here when I get back from work." I heard Odell say, and walk pass toward his office and slam the door.

"Watch her Te." I told him.

I barged down the hall and opened the door. He was putting on his white dress shirt.

"I am sorry Odell okay." I yelled. " I am fucking sorry. I was scared. And I thought you were only marrying me because I was pregnant. I felt if I wasn't you probably would've never asked. And I didn't want a shotgun wedding. That's what my parents did and you see how that worked out. But I hurt you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I wiped my eyes.

"You don't owe me anything. I don't want anything. I just want you to be there for Oak. I don't want to mess up your life any more than I already ruined it."'

I walked out. I needed some air. I got Oak and left to take a walk.

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