Going Insane

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Avielle POV-

The first thing I did the next morning was get up bright and early and get Oak and myself dressed. No I wasn't running away, but I needed to find a job immediately. Odell was doing way too much, and I refused to give him any power to hold anything over my head.

Me and my baby, were gonna pound the pavement at every magazine in town until someone said yes to me as their stylist.

I looked up as I was getting ready to see O standing at the door leaning against. It scared me at first because I didn't notice him.

He was in his slacks, and had his dress shirt open putting on cuff links.

"You going somewhere?" He asked me suspicious.

"Pop-Pop." Oak said excited, broke away from me dressing her and ran to O, hugging his legs.

"Aye." He picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Look." She connected her heart chain, with his dog chain.

It looked like this:

"I see." He smiled at her.

"Come on Oak. Let's finish getting dressed." I said annoyed.

"Its 6:00 am." He said.

"Odell, I'm not running away. Oak will be here when you get home from work."

"Then where are you going at 6am?"

"To look for a job okay. So I can get my own space. And my own life back on track."

"Okay, why are you taking Oak?"

"Because she's my daughter. The fuck. I'm not gonna keep pushing her off on Dontae. And you have work."

"Then I won't go and we'll all go to the places you want to go."

"I can take the EL Odell."

The EL is the public transit train in Chicago.

"I prefer to take you. Oak can ride. It'll be a family outing."

"Family outing." I repeated sarcastic.

"Yes family outing." He repeated serious.

"Oh my God." I said in frustration, then fell back on the bed.

"I'll be ready in ten." He left out with Oak.

See this is the shit I'm talking about. I don't need you Odell, I screamed in my mind.

But you know what, I wasn't going to argue. The sooner I went the flow, the sooner I could get up from under his grasp.

Once everyone was ready we went to his car. I went to buckle Oak in the car seat he had bought her, but said he had it.

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