Blooming Season

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Odell POV-

"Hey Ma." I entered into my mother's house with flowers.

"Don't hey me boy." She walked toward the kitchen. "Ain't heard from you, in God knows when. And you wanna come in my house talking bout some, "hey ma." She mimicked me.

I chuckled and handed her the flowers.

"Flowers ain't gon' change the fact I'm mad." She took the flowers and folded her arms.

"Maybe this will." I handed her an envelope.

She took it and look inside. "This ain't gon change nothing either. But I'll take it."

I laughed.

"Think money and flowers supposed to change something. Boy who you think I am?" She put the flowers in a vase.

I sat at her kitchen table.

"Where you been Jr?" She put the flowers on the table.

"Avi came back Ma." My smile faded.

A look of concern flushed across her face.

"And she didn't just come back. She came back with a little girl. Oaklyn Courtney Beckham. My daughter."

There was silence for a moment as I looked at my mother.

She went to her cabinet got a glass and some wine. "God forgive me for drinking on your day." She said as she poured a glass and drunk it.

"And you sure this baby is..."

"Looks just like me Ma. Couldn't deny her if I tried." I showed her a pic on my phone.

She took another drink.

"Why you just now telling me this?" She looked at me mad.

"I was trying to process it first, and then I didn't want to worry you. You were already sick because of your diabetes and I just didn't want to add to it."

"Jr that's something you tell me."

"Sorry Ma. Sorry."

She sat down at the table with me. It was silent for a bit.

"Well what was her explanation for abandoning you and then lying about the abortion?" My mother said upset.

"Its complicated Ma." I defended Avi.

"Bullshit Jr. I told you from the jump that girl didn't love you. You continuously went out your way for her ass. And she would always act like you were last on her list."

"Ma, Avi's background is complicated."
I never told my Ma, her full story.

"It ain't complicated. She a hood stray from Parkway. I don't know why you always find these hood strays and try to turn them into something respectable. You went to Harvard for Christsake. What happen to you and Poly...uh whats her name? The Greek girl who name sound like a prescription drug."

"Ma we broke up when I was in undergrad."

"And you shouldn't have. She was a nice girl. Pretty and nice. And smart."

"Ma that's done."

"Well I know one thing you need to stop making stupid decisions when it comes to women."

"Why you in here bothering my baby about?" My grandma came in.

"Hey Me-Maw." I hugged her.

"I'm talking to him about Avielle just showing up and telling him he has a baby. I know his stubborn behind just welcomed her back with open arms."

I just put my head down.

"Come upstairs and talk to me Jr." My grandma grabbed me by the hand and we went upstairs to her room.

"Close the door baby." She said sitting in her chair.

I did. I handed her some tomato seed packs for her garden. She would always say don't buy me flowers, buy me seeds. And I gave her an envelope with some money.

"You are so sweet. Thank you baby." She took it. "So Avielle back huh?"

"Yeah." I sat on her bed.

"I knew she would." She smiled. "I told you that didn't I?"

"Yeah." I sighed.

"What did I say?"

"Give her space and time. She'll find her way back."

"And she did." My grandmother smiled.

"She came back for Oaklyn. Our daughter. She wanted her to have her dad" I said.

My grandmother chuckled. "Son you believe that?" She got a cigarette and lit it.

"That's what she said."

"Saying something is one thing. Feeling something is another." She took a puff. "Your daughter may have been apart of that reason. But you were the other part. Son that girl loved you. No she didn't traditionally show it. But she did. If she didn't she wouldn't have came back, and she would've got rid of that baby."

There was silence for a moment.

"Whats wrong baby? Seem like something heavy on your mind."

"I'm just conflicted." I sighed heavily.

"About what?"

"About Avi. Like when I was helping her move. I found a box full of letters she wrote me but never mailed. Then randomly this week she gave me one. And I read it. And its like in one since I get it. But in another I don't want a letter man. Its like just tell me how you feel in person. I feel like letters is just another cop out. And Me-Maw, I'm tired. I have fought for her so much, and all I'm worth to her is some unsent letters."

"She had a hard life Jr."

"Its not an excuse Me-Maw. I understand that. But if you want me, just say that. And I understand she's in therapy and stuff. But I don't know. On one hand, I just want her to tell me to my face everything she feels so I can quit kidding myself. I want her. More than anything. But in another sense, its like I know Avi so I'm not holding my breath and I may as well move on."

"Did you tell her you read the letter?"

There was silence.

"No. Because you're stubborn." My grandmother said, knowing me to well.

I shook my head blushing.

"But I get it. You want her to fight for you for once."

"Just once, like damn. You did me bogus, can you at least be honest with me without your ego."

"All flowers dont bloom at the same time. What seems easy and logical for you. Is not always like that for other people. The letter is a start. You said she's in therapy. Give her a chance. And if after that process you want to let it go, then let it go. But give her enough time for her flower to bloom first. If you pull up a flower to early, it wont grow. At least give her a chance to grow. Not just for her sake. But yours."

I sighed as I process what my grandmother said. Maybe I would. Maybe I wouldn't.

"So accept her small steps. And know its her trying to bloom into the flower she is supposed to be."


Yall I literally freaked out when I saw Odell new episode was him reading a letter to hisself. I'm psychic lol. Naw, it was really a good episode. Check it out.

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