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I woke up and checked the time seeing it was 11:30am. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After that, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked out of the bathroom and put on a hoodie and some tights. I grabbed everything I needed and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed an orange and walked out the door. I checked the time again and saw it was 12:10pm.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath while locking the door. I walked to my car and got in. I pulled up the address to the studio on my phone and drove there...about 10 minutes later I arrived just in time. I got out the car and grabbed my purse and my orange. I started to peel it while walking up to the door. I threw away the peels and walked up to the front desk.

"Hi my name is Giovanni Roberts...I'm supposed to be doing a shoot with Bryson Tiller." I said as my accent came out. I'm from Gabon.

"Yes 3rd floor, studio 2." She told me smiling.

"Thank you." I said politely smiling back. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. The elevator opened I got on and pressed the 3rd floor. When I reached the third floor I stepped out of the elevator and went into studio 2. I walked in and saw my manager speaking to Bryson...They both looked at me and I tried to remain calm. He smiled at me and I almost got weak in the knees but I gave a polite smile back.

"Hi Bryson! It's great to finally meet you." I said sticking out my hand. He looked at my hand and pulled me into a hug.

"I don't do handshakes only hugs." He told me as I hugged him back. He smelled so good and his hugs felt comforting. We pulled away.

"Well now I know and will remember that for next time." I told him as we both laughed.

"I like your accent..where you from?" He asked me.

"I'm from Gabon." I said smiling.

"Really?" He asked as I shook my head yes.

"Yep born and raised." I told him.

"Alright enough chit chat we need to get you ready." My manager said pulling me away to the dressing room. One girl started doing my makeup while another girl did my hair. Once they finished I went onto the set and I saw Bryson staring me down like I was a piece of meat. I walked towards him.

"You look good." He said licking his lips and making me blush.

"Thank you..you don't look so bad yourself." I told him smiling.

"Alright come on guys get ready." The man behind the camera said. We started posing.

*30 minutes later*

After 30 minutes of straight working, changing outfits, and being hot, we finally finished the shoot and we were looking at the pictures. Two pictures really just wowed me.

 Two pictures really just wowed me

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(A/N: I know these look bad but I was rushing💀bare with me)

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(A/N: I know these look bad but I was rushing💀bare with me)

"I really like those two." I said speaking aloud.

"Me too." Bryson said as I smiled. I went back to the dressing room to change into my normal clothes. I walked out with my purse. I was about to leave the studio but Bryson stopped me.

"Hey Giovanni, is it okay if I get your number?" He asked.

"Sure, why not." I said shrugging my shoulders and giving him a small smile while trying to keep my excitement bottled up. I gave him my number.

"Alright I'll text you later." He said smiling and hugging me, making me want to melt in his arms.

"Okay bye." I said waving and walking out. I went onto the elevator and went down to the 1st floor. I walked out and got into the car. I FaceTimed my best friend, Amber. She picked up the phone and popped up on the screen with a bonnet on.

"Girl what you want. I'm tryna sleep." She said groaning.

"You won't believe who I just did a photoshoot with and got his number!" I told her squealing.

"Tory Lanez?" She asked as her eyes popped opened. I smacked my lips.

"Bitch no." I said.

"Then who?" She asked laying down. I started my car and started backing out the parking lot.

"Girl BRYSON TILLER!" I said yelling and driving back to my house.

"Ooh yes girl! You better get some...alright bye I'm going back to sleep." She said hanging up in my face making me laugh. That girl is something else. As I pulled up to my house I saw an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. I got out the car with my stuff and saw my ex sitting on my front porch. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want Deshawn?" I asked unlocking my door and stepping in. He tried to come in but I shut that down real quick by pushing him back.

"I want us to be together again...I'm sorry for cheating."

"Boy bye." I said laughing and shutting the door while locking it in his face. He kept knocking on the door for 5 minutes straight but eventually left. Deshawn was my high school sweetheart until he cheated on me the night of prom...we were supposed to go together but he never came and got me and when my dad dropped my off I saw him all hugged up on another girl, making out, and they even fucked in the school bathroom. After that, I cut all communication off with him. I would see him here and there but never talked to him. He embarrassed me in front of everybody on prom night! I shook my head at the memories and sat on my bed. I laid down and decided to take a nap. I was about to fall asleep when I got a text from an unsaved number.

Hey it's Bryson 2:23pm

Oh hey!

Am I disturbing u or anything? 2:27pm

I was about to take a nap 2:28pm

Oh ok..didn't mean to disturb ya..go ahead and take ur nap just text me when u wake up 2:30pm

I smiled at his kindness and slowly drifted off to sleep....

To be continued....

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