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*2 weeks later*

Excuse any mistakes...

I woke up and saw Giovanni sitting up with pain written all over her face.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked her concerned sitting up.

"My stomach hurts." She said getting out of the bed and going to the bathroom and locking the door. I got up and stood by the door. I knocked on the door.

"G..is everything okay?" I heard a crying and no response. "Giovanni?" I asked again knocking on the door. I then heard something fall hard but there was still no response. I quickly grabbed the key out of my drawer and unlocked the door and I saw G on the floor with a pool of blood around her and my eyes bucked out of my head. I grabbed my phone calling 911...

"911 what's your emergency?"

*2 hours later*
I was sitting in the waiting room at the hospital with a sleeping Harley in my arms. I had already called my grandmother and informed her on what was going on. She was kind of upset I didn't tell her about Giovanni but at the moment I didn't care..I just wanted to make sure her and the baby were okay. About 20 minutes later my grandmother finally arrived and she kissed Harley on the forehead.

"Hey son..how you holding up?" She asked me grabbing Harley from me. I sighed.

"I just hope everything is okay..." I said putting my head in my hands trying not to let any tears fall. I looked up and saw Amber with Kiari (Offset)

"HOW IS SHE WHAT HAPPENED?? WHAT DID YOU DO?" She yelled with tears coming down her face causing a couple of people to look over. I kept my cool by breathing in and out. Kiari rubbed her back trying to help he calm down.

"I didn't do nothing...she was crying earlier saying how her stomach was hurting and next thing I know she was laying on the floor with in a pool of blood." I said making Amber cry even harder. I saw a doctor walking towards us.

"Family is Giovanni?" He called out-loud. I instantly jumped up walking towards him.

"How is she?" I asked him.

"She lost a lot of blood and we're doing everything we can...but unfortunately she suffered a miscarriage." After I heard those 3 words I instantly lost it. I started breathing heavy.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?" I shouted angrily in the doctors face. It was like a whole different person took over my body. Kiari instantly walked over to me and pushed me back.

"Chill B...come on." He said. I tried breathing in and out but it didn't work...

"Nah I'm about to fuck his ass up." I said trying to reach the doctor. Kiari somehow pushed me back and guided me outside. I punched the concrete wall and instantly felt pain but I shook it off.

"Bryson chill...you need to stay strong for your girl." He told me making me go back to my normal self.

"You're right..." I said sighing rubbing my hand down my face. We walked back inside and I saw Amber talking to the doctor. I walked towards them and looked towards the doctor.

"Sorry for the way I acted..I'm just under a lot of stress." I told him sighing.

"It's fine I understand...would you all like to see her?" He asked. I instantly nodded my head.

"Yes please." I said.

"Okay since this is a serious situation I'll let all of you come into the room unless she says otherwise." The doctor said turning around. We followed him to the room and as soon as I walked in Giovanni smiled. I had a confused look written on my face and looked over st the doctor.

"Does she not know yet?" I whispered to him. He shook his head no. "I'll tell her...can y'all step out for a minute?" I said. Everyone left the room and now it was just me and G. I was nervous and upset because I knew she was gonna take it hard.

"Baby...um," I said sighing and a tear rolled down my cheek. I never cried but me losing a child for the first time was really triggering me.

"Bryson what's wrong? Just tell me." She said with a look of worry on her face.

"We-we lost the baby." I said kind of getting choked up on my words. My head dropped and more tears started to come down my face. I heard small sniffles and I looked up and saw Giovanni crying. I walked over to here and wrapped my arms around her. I sighed and ran a hand down my face.

"This is all my fault." She mumbled sniffing.

"No this isn't your fault...it's none of our faults. Maybe we just weren't ready for a baby. Everything happens for a reason G, God's got us alright?" I told her. She gave me a small smile and kissed my lips.

"Alright." She said sighing. I got into the bed and she laid her head into my chest and a few tears ran down her face and I wiped them away. There was a knock on the door and everybody came back in.

"Is everything alright?" Amber asked rushing to Giovanni's side.

"Yeah I'm fine boo." G said giving her a small fake smile. Amber hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry." Amber said crying. She was excited to finally be an auntie again since she considered Harley to be her niece.

"It's fine...we'll get through it." My granny cam beside me and smacked me in the back of the head.

"Boy you ain't tell me you had a girlfriend and she was pregnant." She said making me grab my head. Everybody started laughing.

"Damn I'm sorry G-Ma." I said.

"Watch yo mouth for I pop you again." She said holding up her hand making me flinch. Giovanni started laughing even harder and I just mean mugged her.

"It's nice to meet you Ms.Tiller." G said smiling.

"Oh please baby call me Mama or G-Ma. Welcome to the family." G-Ma said giving her a hug and kiss on the forehead. Giovanni smiled and I looked over and saw Kiari holding Harley. I saw she was slowly starting to wake up so he put her down and she walked over to me. Once she saw G her eyes lit up and she turned into a whole different person.

"MAMA!" She yelled as I picked her up and put her in the bed. She hugged Giovanni and kissed her on the cheek making her smile widely. "Are you ok mama?"

"Yes baby I'm fine." She said kissing her on the cheek.

Damn what day...

To be continued........

Y'all I've been really slacking and I'm sorry😭

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