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Excuse any mistakes...

*That same day, a couple hours later*

I woke up to an empty bed. I rolled over and checked the time seeing it was 4:34pm. I got up and grabbed a piece of gum walking out the room. I popped it in my mouth and I saw Harley and Bryson setting up a karaoke machine. I smiled and shook my head.

"Are y'all about to do a sing off or something?" I asked them plopping on the couch getting comfortable.

"Yes mommy! Are you going to sing with us?" Harley asked excitedly.

"No I'm gonna watch y'all." I told her getting up and going to grab my phone. I went back into the living room and sat on the couch.

"I WANNA GO FIRST!" Harley yelled jumping up and down.

"Alright alright you can go first." Bryson said chuckling. He sat beside me and Harley started singing Let it go. I was recording her and smiling big.

"Sing it baby!" I said making her smile. She finally finished and Bryson went up next and sung one of his songs in a funny way. I started laughing while recording him. When he finished I decided to get up and sing.

"Y'all made me wanna sing, now I'm about to sing." I turned on Don't instrumental and started singing it with clean lyrics of course since Harley was in the room. I was singing seriously and I saw Bryson was surprised. Harley was just smiling hard and dancing along to the song which made me smile. Once I finished Bryson stood up and I looked up at him while he still had a shocked look. He hugged me tightly.

"You have a beautiful voice bae." He told me making me smile hard.

"Thank you." I told him as Harley came over and hugged me.

"MOMMY YOUR VOICE IS BEAUTIFUL." She told me making me smile even harder.

"Thank you." We sat on the couch and I turned on the TV. I picked a movie we could watch and we all sat on the couch laid up watching The Karate Kid. I ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie...

I saw Giovanni was asleep. I picked her up and put her in the room. I came back and saw Harley was still watching the movie wide awake.

"Daddy are you going to marry mommy one day?" Harley asked me. The question caught me off guard but I smiled before answering.

"Yes..I'm going to marry her one day." I told her making her smile.

"Yay! I can't wait!" She said yelling. I shushed her as she put her hands on her mouth.

"Mommy sleeping...don't wake her up." I told her continuing to watch the movie. She cuddled up next to me and I kissed her forehead drifting off to sleep.

*Next Day*
"Harley are you ready!" I asked her walking into her room. I was gonna take her to my grandma's house so me and Giovanni could have just a little break and alone time.

"Yes I am ready." She said as she picked up her backpack putting it on her back.

*25 minutes later*
I was leaving my grandmothers house. I finally had dropped off Harley. I got back to the house and saw Giovanni was in the kitchen bent over looking in the refrigerator. I bit my lip and slowly walked up behind her. I pressed myself against her as she gasped.

"Brysonnnn." She whined and turned aroundas I laughed.

"Whaaaat?" I copied her and kissed her all over her face.

"You scared me don't do that again." She said sternly rolling her eyes playfully. I saw a small black bag on the counter.

"What's this?" I asked her lifting it up.

"It's my weed." She said shrugging her shoulders and closing the refrigerator.

"Oh you about to roll up?" I asked.

"Yeah..you got a basement or some shit?" Giovanni asked while grabbing the bag from my hands.

"Follow me." I told her leading her to the basement. I had decorated it a little bit since I always went down there and smoked weed. We got down there and she looked around amazed.

"This is nice Bryson." She told me sitting on the black couch. She took out everything she needed. She grabbed the grinder and put the weed inside. As she was doing everything I couldn't help but to stare at how beautiful she was. I smirked and checked my phone.

As I was about to light my blunt, I saw Amber FaceTiming me.

"Well hey bitch, I haven't talked to you in forever...you den replaced me with Mr.Don't I see." She said yelling in the phone and doing a funny laugh. Bryson started laughing as I chuckled.

"Girl I'm sorry I been busy...how about later I'll come over and spill the tea I haven't forgot about you." I told her as she made a funny face.

"Okay den okay BYE!" She yelled hanging up. I sighed. I lit my blunt a took a large pull from it. I laid back on the couch with my eyes closed. I took a couple more pulls instantly feeling relaxed. Bryson walked towards me and sat beside me.

"Pass it don't be stingy." He said making me laugh. I passed it to him. We passed it back and forth until it was done. Luckily I rolled 2 more so we smoked those too. I was so high everything was black and white.

"Ayeee you see that statue of a dick over there?" I asked Bryson laughing hard as hell.

"Nah I see a chicken over there going gobble gobble." He said making me laugh even harder. I stopped laughing and just starting staring at Bryson. I realized how good he looked and I bit my lip. This weed has me lusting...he noticed me looking.

"What?" He asked confused. I climbed on top of him and passionately started kissing him slowly. I started grinding on him making him groan softly as I moaned. He picked me up and we walked from the basement to his room still kissing. We both stripped out of our clothes.

"All fours." Bryson demanded it. I did what was told and he slowly slid into me making my eyes roll to the back of my head because of how big he was.

"Oh my gosh.." I moaned softly as he picked up the pace. I started moaning louder as he grunted every now and then. I felt myself about to cum but Bryson pulled out, flipped me over, and started giving my girl some attention with his mouth. (A/N: I'm sorry I don't like the other phrase so I just made this one up💀) I moaned louder than before and felt my legs start to shake as I cummed.

"Oh-oh- BRYSON!" I yelled as I finally reached my peak. I was tired but I didn't show it. I pushed him back and got on top of him, slowly entering him inside of me. I started bouncing up and down, as I rode his dick, throwing my head back in the process. The grunts and faces he made turned me on even more...I felt myself already about to cum but I held it in while moaning. I placed my hands on Bryson's chest as I continued to ride him and I finally had to let myself go.

"I'm cumming!" I yelled and I threw my head back and slowed down, but Bryson used his hands to make me continue to go fast.

"Fuck!" He grunted loudly as I came and so did he...I collapsed beside him breathing heavily. He got up and went to the bathroom to get towels. I was so tired I could barely move so he cleaned me and I drifted off to sleep...

To be continued....

Wooooo its been a hot minute so enjoy this update🥵❤️

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