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Excuse any mistakes

*20 minutes later*

We arrived at my house and I got out the car. I heard Bryson shut the car off and open the door.

"I thought you were gonna go get Harely now while I was getting ready?" I asked him confused and unlocking the door.

"Nah imma just go ahead and take you with me." He said as we walked in. He plopped on the couch and got comfortable. I went to my room and changed into something simple and cute.

I did a quick natural makeup look and walked out of my room and saw Bryson scrolling through Instagram

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I did a quick natural makeup look and walked out of my room and saw Bryson scrolling through Instagram.

"I'm ready." I said grabbing my phone off the table. He stood up and we walked out the door. I made sure I locked the door and I got inside the car. I buckled my seatbelt and Bryson did the same. He backed out of the driveway and cruised down the street with his hand on my thigh. I clenched my legs together because it was a whole tsunami down there. I cleared my throat and turned up the radio. About 5 minutes later we pulled up to his baby mama's house.

"Come on." He said as I froze.

"You want me to come in? I don't wanna ruin anything-" he cut me off.

"It'll be fine..she won't care trust me." He told me as I sighed and took off my seatbelt. I got out the car and he grabbed my hand leading me to the front door...as we were walking we heard screaming and crying. He started knocking on the door repeatedly. I'm guessing the girl that opened the door was his baby mama....the cries got louder and she had a irritated look on her face. Bryson let go of my hand and pushed her out the way. We saw Harley on the floor crying loudly.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?" He screamed at her while picking her up and handing her to me. I walked outside with her and tried to calm her down.

"Shh..it's ok Harley." I told her rubbing her back as she started to calm down. She clutched onto me tight and I felt bad because I felt like I know what happened.

"I just punished because she disobeyed me." She said shrugging as if everything was okay. I gave her a death glare and she shifted uncomfortably. I pushed her against the wall and started breathing in and out to calm myself down.

"I'll see yo ass in court bi-" I stopped myself from calling her a bitch and just walked out slamming the door. I saw Giovanni holding Harley calming her down.

"Is she okay?" I asked grabbing Harley kissing her forehead.

"Yeah I calmed her down...but if you want we can go back to my house since it's not that far and I'll talk to her?" She asked me giving me a small smile. I sighed and ran my hand down my face.

"Yeah that's fine...thank you." I told her while putting Harley in her car seat. Giovanni got in the backseat with her. I pulled out of Markea's driveway and headed back to Giovanni's house. We finally got there and I jumped out of the car quickly and grabbed Harley. I followed behind Giovanni to the door and I couldn't help but to stare at that ass..damn

"Stop looking at it." She said making me laugh. She unlocked the door and I put Harley down. Giovanni grabbed her hand and guided her to the couch.

"Can you go get some food?" She asked me batting her eyes. I sighed and playfully smacked.

"Yeah...what y'all want?" I asked her.

"It doesn't matter now goooo." She said pushing me out the door. I laughed and went to the car.

I went back to go sit beside Harley. I grabbed her hand.

"What happened earlier...did mommy hit you or do something that made you sad?" I asked her giving her all of my attention. She was the prettiest little girl I've ever seen and she looked just like Bryson.

"Mommy hit me a lot and it hurt." She said as tears ran down her face and I tried not to start crying.

"Why did she hit you?" I asked her pulling her into a hug.

"Be-because I wouldn't put my shoes on." She told me as my heart broke into two...how could you punish your child for something stupid.

"It's okay...you won't have to go back. You're gonna stay with daddy okay, but has she dont this more than once?" I asked her as she sniffed.

"Otay and yes." She told me rubbing her eyes. Just to make her happy I stared tickling her and she bust into a fit of giggles.

"Stopppp!" She yelled as I continued to tickle her. I finally stop as she continued to laugh and try to catch her breath. "Are you daddy's new girlfriend?" Harley asked me as I turned on the TV for her. I almost choked and I had to catch myself. I answered her.

"Um yeah something like that." I told her smiling. A couple minutes later the doorbell rung and I went and peeped out the peephole and saw Bryson standing at the door with food in his hands. I got excited and opened the door letting him in. I smiled and took the food from him, sat it on the table, and opened it up.

"Well damn, hi to you too." He said while slapping my ass. I gasped and gave him a death glare.

"Chill." I said whining a little bit. I made Harley a plate and gave it to her. I started making Bryson and I's plate at the same time. He walked back over to the table and I handed him his food. I sat in the chair and he sat next to me.

"So what happened?" He asked me concerned. I sighed.

"Well basically...just to sum it up so you won't get to furious, Harley's mom abuses her." I said lowly. I looked at Bryson and I saw the anger and rage in his eyes which made me s little terrified. I grabbed his hand and lead him to my room.

"Harley..we'll be out in a second okay?" I told her.

"Otay." She said continuing to stare at the TV. I closed the door behind us and saw Bryson staring at the wall angrily.

"I know you're mad." I told him grabbing his hand. "But everything is gonna get better....you can fight against her to get custody of Harley. Just take pictures of her bruises and set up a court date...I'll be by your side through it all...I don't want her to deal with what I had to de-deal with, getting abused everyday for stupid reasons." I said getting choked up and trying not to cry. Bryson looked at me with sympathy as a couple of tears rolled down my face. He gently grabbed my chin and wiped my tears away.

"It's okay..I'm gonna fight for her..thank you for being by my side..you're a real one." He told me making me smile slightly. Next thing I know we were leaning in to kiss. Our lips were about to touch but we heard a knock on the door.

"Daddy I needa go potty!" Harley yelled outside the door.

"Fuck." He said getting up and opening the door as I laughed. He took her into the bathroom to use the bathroom. A couple minutes later they came back out. Harley sat beside me and Bryson sat on the other side of me. I payed my head on Bryson.

"Can you be my new mommy?" She asked me as I smiled.

"If that's fine with your daddy." I told her while looking at Bryson for confirmation. He shook his head yes and she screamed.

"Yay!" She told me giving me a hug. I hugged her back and Bryson joined in on the hug...

To be continued....

Merry Christmas y'all! I hope y'all's day is going well. Comment, Share, and Vote!💕

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