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Excuse any mistakes...

4 months later


It's been 4 months and Bryson was still in a coma. Once he started to improve things went downhill. He had a seizure and I was never so afraid in my life. He slowly started to get better almost ran out of hope but I didn't. Amber was now 6 months pregnant and still trying to check on me every now and then. I haven't ate in a week and I'm sure I was losing a lot of weight but I didn't care. I was holding Bryson's hand when I felt him move. I popped my head up and saw him blinking his eyes.

"Baby? Are you trying to wake up?" I asked him. I saw him open his eyes. I gasped and ran to the door opening it. "WE NEED A NURSE NOW!" I yelled out into the hallway. I went back over to his side and grabbed a water bottle off the counter. I gave him a little bit and he started talking.

"Baby?" He said in a raspy voice.

"Yes..it's me, everything is okay you're gonna be okay." I told him as 2 nurses came in and started to check up on him.

1 hour later

The doctor came in and smiled at the both of us. "Everything looks good, he's doing fine, and we ran a background on everything. He will be able to discharge tomorrow." He told us.

"Thank you doc." Bryson said as I smiled. I sighed in relief. Next thing I know, Amber, Kiari, G-Ma, and Harley came in the room crossing around him. I just giggled and smiled at the sight of how happy they were to be in his presence again. As they were talking I started to clean up a little bit.

"G, you lost a lot of weight...girl that's not good." Amber told me.

"I'll be fine, I can easily gain back that weight back." I said waving her off.

"Mhmm okay. But I'm having a girl." She told me smiling.

"Yayyyyy I'm gonna have a niece." I said hugging her and rubbing her belly. About 3 hours later everyone left.

"Bryson you gave me a scare, I was so scared you weren't gonna make it but I had to stay strong for you." I told him with tears in my eyes. I was snuggled next to him while playing with his fingers. He kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry, but I know I'm suing the hell out of the person that hit me. I think they have them arrested." He told me and I nodded my head.

"Yes they do have his stupid ass arrested. He was intoxicated." I told him while my blood boiled.

"Well it's all over now baby, don't worry about it." He said turning my face towards him and kissing my lips. "Damn I can't wait to get home and get between them legs." He mumbled against my lips making me laugh.

"You're so nasty." I said playfully hitting his chest. I checked the time and saw it was only 6 something. I was very tired and I felt week. I closed my eyes while Bryson laid his head on top of mine. We fell asleep in that position.

The next morning 11:45am

I was gathering my stuff and putting it together. I helped Bryson take a shower and get dressed. After he was situated I grabbed all of my stuff and we headed to the elevator with his guards behind us. He tried to help me grab some of my stuff but I popped his hand. Once we got off the elevator I could already see the paparazzi outside. I already signed the discharge papers earlier this morning to get it over with so the lady at the front desk just wrote what time we were leaving. I smirked at her and made her get scared and I laughed. We walked out the hospital and paparazzi was everywhere. We safely got in the car and Bryson's driver pulled off instantly. Once we arrived home I opened the door and I sighed in relief. I took my bags to the room and instantly plopped on the bed. Bryson got on top of me and started kissing my neck.

"Mmm Bryson stop." I moaned. He kissed me and I kissed him back and we switched positions. I was on top and I started grinding on him...

Skipping to after

I laid in bed with the sheet wrapped around me and Bryson was sound asleep. I thought about everything that has happened over the past year in shock..my life has changed and I found the man of my dreams. I was happy. My crazy ex, I heard he got locked up for some dumb shit which was good. I wouldn't have to worry about him fucking up my life. I turned over and laid on Bryson's chest slowly drifting off to sleep. About 2 hours later I woke up and got up to take a shower. I limped to the bathroom and since I was already butt naked I just turned on the shower and stepped in. I let the hot water hit on my skin and relax me. After about 20 minutes I got out and wrapped the towel around my body. I grabbed one of Bryson's T-shirts and placed it on. It was huge on me since I lost a lot of weight. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a small bag of chips. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I saw Amber calling me.

"Bitch I am having Braxton Hicks." She said as soon as I answered the phone.

"You'll be fine just breathe in and out okay?" I told her. "Wheres Kiari?" I asked.

"He's out at a private event." She told me calming down.

"See you're good now...what you doing?" I asked her.

"About to go eat my favorite snack." She looked into the camera "ooh bitch I see you glowing, you must've gotten some dick." She said smiling goofily. I laughed and started blushing.

"I might've." I said giggling.

"YOU DID BITCH EOW." She said dancing a little bit while I laughed.

To be continued....

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