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Excuse any mistakes...


2 months later

I was sitting on the bed waiting for Bryson to come home. He recently went on a mini tour and he was supposed to be back yesterday. Harley was with her grandmother, so I was all alone. Amber was in London with Kiari. She was coming back tomorrow. This month when I was alone, I felt paranoid and just dead..I really needed and wanted Bryson by my side. I sighed and started to scroll through Instagram. I heard the front door unlock and footsteps. I looked up and saw Bryson walking the room.

"H-hey baby w-a-wassup?" He slurred. I could tell he was drunk and he smelled like weed. I shook my head and pushed him off of me.

"Move." I told him. I was glad he was okay but I was upset.

"Fuck is your problem?" He asked me taking off his shoes and sitting next to me. I just rolled my eyes. He grabbed my wrist tightly. I tried to pry his hands off of me. He then forced me to get up and slammed me against the wall. I yelped as he wrapped his hands around my neck slowly tightening his grip.

"Bryson...p-please stop you're hurting me." I said barely above an whisper. I could tell he snapped back into reality. He looked at his hands and he turned a little lighter.

"I'm sorry." He said running out. I slid down the wall and cried my eyes out. I got up and got into the bed. I cried myself to sleep that night...

I couldn't believe what I just did. I put my hands on Giovanni. I was doing good but I don't know what came over me. I was in the car and I just started driving around. I knew I shouldn't have been driving while drunk and high but I couldn't be in the same room with Giovanni knowing I hurt her. After 45 minutes of driving around I went back home. I slowly walked towards the door. I unlocked the door and walked in the room. I saw Giovanni sleeping. I made my way down to the basement. I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. I grabbed my hooky and hooked it up. I took slow puffs from it and rubbed my hand down my face. I took of my shoes and laid down on the couch. After 10 minutes I fell asleep...

6 hours later..

I woke and got out of bed, making my way to the bathroom. I looked at my neck and saw it bruised up just a little but not too much. I looked at my wrist and it looked fine. I sighed and did my morning routine. After I finished that, I left out of the room and I saw Bryson in the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks and my breath got hitched in my throat. He turned around and looked at me with sad eyes.

"G, I'm so sorry..I didn't mean to- I - I don't know what came over me." He told me walking towards me slowly. I just stood there speechless. He got on his knees and wrapped his arms around my waist placing his head on my stomach. "I'm so sorry." He said sniffing. He was crying. Tears started to run down my face and I  got on the floor with him, hugging him back.

"I forgive you." I told him softly. He kissed my forehead and we just held each other for about 5 minutes. After our little crying session he helped me off the floor.

"I have to go get Harley, I'll be back later." He told me kissing my lips. I nodded my head and he left out the house.


I got inside my car and made my way towards my grandmothers house. I was glad Giovanni forgave me, but I still felt really bad about what happened. I decided to get on the freeway since it was faster. I turned up my music and Chris Brown's 'Liquor' blasted through the speakers. I was about to exit but this car wouldn't let me over so I honked. I rolled my eyes and breathed out. I was making a left turn at the right and next thing I know a truck slammed into me and I hit my head hard on the window. I hit a tree and my vision was blurry. My head was hurting and I tried to stay awake...

"SIR ARE YOU OKAY?" Someone yelled. I couldn't even speak....next thing I know, I blacked out.

It's been over 45 minutes and Bryson still isn't back...I started to get worried because I felt something was wrong. I called his grandmother.

"Hey Ms.Tiller, has Bryson made it to your house?" I asked her biting my nails.

"No he was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago." She told me confused. I breathed out a shaky breath.

"I'll call you back." I told her hanging up the phone without giving her a chance to respond. I called his phone numerous of times. "Come on, come on pick up baby." I said as a few tears ran down my face. I called Amber and told her everything that was going on.

"I'm sure he's okay boo, just calm down." She told me sympathetically.

"I can't calm down, I just can't."

"I'm about to come over there." She told me getting up out of her bed.

"Amber no, you just got home from a trip, rest I'll be okay I'm gonna see what's going on." I told her.

"No. KIARI! COME ON WE'RE GOING GIOVANNI'S!" She yelled. I sighed and started laughing. She hung up and I waited for them to get here. I was biting my nails and walking back and forth. As soon as they got here I got a call from the hospital.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Yes is this Giovanni?" The lady asked me.

"Yes this is she..what's going on?" I asked her standing up.

"Bryson was in a really bad car crash. He has an concussion and he's in a coma due to losing so much blood and it's not looking so good." I dropped the phone and fell to my knees instantly sobbing. Amber rushes to my side and pulled me into her arms while I just cried.

To be continued....

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