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Excuse any mistakes

*The next morning*

I woke up with a slight headache and I slowly opened my eyes seeing the sun peaking through the curtains. I saw the sheet wrapped around my body and I realized I was naked and all the events from last night came back to me making me smirk. I laid back and saw Bryson sleeping peacefully.

"Don't be staring at me like that." He said scaring me. I smacked my lips and slowly got out the bed and as soon as I stood up I went down. I couldn't feel my legs at all and I rolled my eyes. Bryson started laughing.

"Are you okay?" He asked getting out the bed and picking me up.

"I'm fine." I said covering my mouth and speaking. I hated when I talked around people without brushing my teeth.

"Girl I don't care about your breath...it might be a little to hot but I don't care." Bryson said making me laugh and playfully hit him. He kissed me making me smile. He sat me on the counter in the bathroom and turned on the bath. I still had the sheet wrapped around me. A couple minutes later I took off the sheet and Bryson helped me into the tub...it was hot but it felt good. He walked out the bathroom, I'm guessing to wash the sheets. After 15 minutes, I got out and limped to the linen closet to get a towel. I wrapped it around my body and went back into the room to get something comfortable to put on. I grabbed my phone and called Amber. She answered on the 3rd ring.

"It's Amber wusspoppin?" She said screaming into the phone making me laugh.

"What you doing right now?" I asked her putting on my shoes.

"Girl nothing laying in the bed...just got some dick yaknowwuhimshayin?" She said as I shook my head.

"I'm coming over there so I can tell you everything." I told her grabbing my keys and limping out the room.

"ALRIGHT BITCH!" She said yelling and hanging up the phone. I walked into the den and saw Bryson sitting on the couch watching TV.

"You already showered and stuff that quick?" I asked him surprised.

"Yeah I went into the guest bathroom." He said looking at me biting his lip. "Where you going?" He asked me standing up and pulling me closer to him, grabbing my ass.

"I'm going to see Amber since I haven't seen her in a while." I told him smiling.

"When you get back I'm tearing that ass up...again." Bryson said. I playfully rolled my eyes and turned around.

"Mhm okay." I said laughing and opening the door. I got into my car and pulled off in the direction to Amber's house. In about 20 minutes I got there and I got out the car. I rung the doorbell and she answered.

"IS THAT MY BITCH?" She said yelling.

"YES ITS ME BITCH!" I said yelling back. We did a handshake and dropped.

"AYE AYE AYE!" We said together laughing. I walked in and saw some dude on the couch.

"Uh who is that?" I asked her.

"Oh that's Kiari..you know offset from Migos?" I widened my eyes surprise.

"Well shit bitch..getting that celebrity dick I see you." I said whispering making her laugh. We went inside her room and sat down.

"Sooo what's been going on?" She asked giving me all her attention.

"Well I'm officially Harley's mom now." I told her starting off. I explained everything else that's going on and even what happened last night.

"Well damn bitch...that's a lot but I'm happy for you and happy to see you're doing better after what happened with you know who." Amber said as I nodded and agreed.

"That's true but what's been going on with you boo?" I asked her. She smirked and stuck out her tongue.

"Bitch well as you know I released my EPs and shit a couple of months ago." She said as I smirked.

"Yes continue." I said.

"Well a couple of people wanna sign me and shit like that." She said doing her crazy laugh.

"That's good Amber! Now what's going on with you and ole dude?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Me and him taking things slow you know." She said blushing.

"Awww I'm happy for you! I need a niece or nephew soon believe that." I said making her scrunch up her face.

"No ma'am Amber ain't having no babies no time soon...you the one that needa be having the babies." She said. As soon as she said that, it made me realize Bryson didn't wrap up. I mentally cursed myself out in my head.

"Mm maybe soon..like a year or two from now." I said making as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Mhm yeah right." Amber said as we laughed. Kiari walked in the room.

"I'll be back babe I gotta handle some shit." He said kissing her on the lips.

"Okay." She said blushing.

"Oooooh Amber." I said instigating. She playfully hit me.

"Girl stop!" She said as I laughed.

*2 hours later*

I was finally just now leaving Amber's house.

"BYE BITCH ILL SEE YOU LATERRRRRR MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THAT AK47 WITH YOU!" She said yelling as some neighbors stared.

"Amber shut up!" I said laughing a hugging her. "Love you boo."

"I love you more sis." She said waving and mean mugging the neighbors. "Fuck y'all looking at?" She asked and slammed the door as I laughed. I pulled out my phone and called Bryson. He answered on the 1st ring.

"Hey baby I'm on my way home." I said sighing tiredly.

"Alright...round 4 when you get back?" He asked...I could just sense him smirking through the phone.

"Mmm we'll see." I said seductively while chuckling.

"Alright you better not play." He said hanging up the phone. I shook my head and continued to drive back to the house. I finally got back and I locked the car getting out. I unlocked the front door and walked in seeing it was dark with just the small light plugged up. I walked in the room and saw Bryson standing by the door with nothing but shorts on free balling. I started smiling as he kissed on my neck.

"So round 4 it is?" He asked I moaned lowly

"Mhm." I said stripping out of my clothes.

To be continued...

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