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I woke up and saw Giovanni still laying on my chest. I slowly got up and went into the bathroom to get a Advil and brush my teeth. She already had a water bottle on the nightstand. I grabbed my phone and went to the kitchen and decided to cook breakfast. As I was pulling out everything my phone started to ring. I looked and saw that it was my baby mama. I sighed and answered the phone.

"What you want?" I asked her irritated. The only time she ever called was if Harley wanted to talk to me or if she needed something.

"I need some money." She said with an attitude.

"Bitch I just gave you money last week!" I said raising my voice a little bit but still trying to keep it down since Giovanni was still asleep. I started to put the eggs in the skillet.

"Okay..and? I need more." She said yelling. I tried not to cuss her out. I breathed in and out and decided to just hang up the phone. I heard the room door open and I continued to cooking.

"Good morning." She said holding her head and groaning. I chuckled.

"Good morning." I said finishing up everything. I made Giovanni a plate and sat it in front of her.

"Thanks." She said smiling.

"No problem." I told her fixing myself a plate.

"I heard what happened when you were on the phone." She said making me sigh.

"I know I shouldn't have called her a bitch but it was out of anger." I told her.

"That's understandable but we can work on that." Giovanni said as she continued to eat her food. About 20 minutes later we both finished and I grabbed our plates. I sat them in the sink and turned on the water. She got up and stood beside me lightly pushing me away from the sink.

"I'm gonna wash the dishes since you cooked." She told me making me laugh. I looked down at her 4'9 frame.

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Mhm I'm sure now shoooooo!" She said shooing me out the kitchen.

"Alright I'm gonna go take a shower." I told her walking out the kitchen and going into my room.

I grabbed my phone off the counter and saw there was a portable speaker on the coffee table in the living room. I grabbed it and connected my phone to it and played 'Sorry Not Sorry' by Bryson of course. I turned it up loud and started dancing while cleaning up the kitchen.

"GIRL IF YOU DONT GET THE FUCK FROM ME!" I yelled while dancing. I finished cleaning up the kitchen in about 10 minutes since it wasn't that much to clean. 'Been That Way' came on and I grabbed the paper towel roll and started singing and dancing. I turned around and saw Bryson recording me and silently laughing. I jumped and grabbed my chest as he stopped recording and started laughing even harder. I turned off the music.

"You scared me." I said still holding my chest breathing hard.

"I'm sorry." He cooed walking over to me and hugging me. "So I see you a fan of my music." He said while smirking.

"Let me go and yes I am." I said acting mad and trying to get out of his grip which caused him to hug me tighter.

"Nope." He said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I smacked my lips and popped him on the ass.

"Let me down!" I said kicking and hitting him. Next thing I know I was being thrown on the bed and tickled...and everybody knows I hate being tickled.

"BRYSON STOP!" I yelled laughing nonstop. "STOP!" In said still laughing.

"Not unless you say I'm daddy." He said making me laugh harder. I now had tears coming out of my eyes and he finally stopped. I started breathing hard trying to catch my breath.

"Ughhh you play to much." I said getting up. I realized my car wasn't here so I didn't have any extra clothes...

"You have any extra clothes I can use...and a toothbrush?" I asked him realizing he was staring at me. "What...Is there something on my face?" I asked him as I started to wipe my face. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Nah..you're just beautiful." He said smiling and making me blush.

"Thank you." I told him looking down.

"But yeah I got extra clothes." He said going in his drawer and giving me a t-shirt, boxers, and basketball shorts. "The towels are in the linen closet and there should be a extra toothbrush in there." He told me.

"Alright thanks." I told him going into the bathroom. I closed and locked the door while turning on the shower. I grabbed the towels I needed and pulled out a new toothbrush. I decided to brush my teeth before I got in the shower. After that I stripped out of my clothes and went into the shower. I decided to wet my hair since it was messed up anyways.

*30 minutes later*

I finally finished showering and stepped out. I wrapped the big towel around my body and I grabbed some lotion sitting on the sink top. I put it all over my body. I put the clothes on Bry gave me. I saw hand sanitizer on the counter and decided to put some under my arm pits since I didn't have any deodorant, I saw once that putting on sanitizer can work whenever you don't have deodorant because it kills the germs that have an odor. I opened the bathroom door with the clothes I had on the previous night in my hands. I saw Bryson sitting on the bed watching tv. He looked up at me.

"You can just put that in the hamper right there." He said pointing to the one in the corner. I put the clothes in the hamper and sat down on the bed next to him. I noticed he had on shoes and I was confused.

"Where you going?" I asked him grabbing his hand.

"I gotta go get Harley from her mother's house." He said sighing and rolling his eyes.

"You'll be fine..just remember what I told you to do when you get mad..but are you gonna take me home?" I asked him.

"Yeah and then I'm swoop through and pick you back up after you get ready I want you to meet Harley." He told me ask my eyes widened in shock.

"Y-you wa-want me to meet her already?" I asked stuttering.

"Yeah..is that a problem?" He asked me confused.

"No not at all." I told him as we both stood up. I grabbed my phone and we walked out the front door. Bryson looked the door and we got in the car and we were on our way to my house...I really hope Harley likes me.

To be continued...

Hope y'all enjoyed! Don't forget to vote,comment, and share🥰

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