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Excuse any mistakes...

*Tuesday Morning*

I was sitting on my couch waiting on Giovanni and Harley. Giovanni has been helping me out with Harley and I really appreciate it because I've been stressed and worried about how this court session was gonna go. I had all the evidence I needed and Giovanni was there so she knows what happened. If I get custody of Harley, me and Giovanni agreed on her signing papers for her to legally adopt Harley. I looked up and saw her walking out Harley's room.

"Y'all look beautiful." I told them smiling.

"Thank you." They said at the same time while laughing. I made sure all the lights were off and we went through the front door. My driver was in the front waiting on us. I opened the door for Giovanni and Harley. Once they got in, I got inside and shut the door.

"Wassup D." I said giving him a handshake. He backed out of the driveway and cruised down the street making his way to the courthouse. I started to feel a little nervous and I guess Giovanni could sense my nervousness because she grabbed my hand.

"Everything is gonna be fine." She assured me while smiling.

"I hope so." I said sighing. About 10 minutes later we finally arrived. I looked over and saw Harley was sleep. I noticed paparazzi was here and I silently cursed. Luckily my bodyguards were here. I grabbed Harley and put my jacket over her head. I opened the door and got out the car as Giovanni got out as well. We walked to the entrance and looked down making sure to watch where we were going.

"Is Giovanni Roberts your new girlfriend?"

"Is Harley getting taken away from you?"

"Why are you here today Bryson?"

Some of the questions were pissing me off but I remained calm and we finally got inside the courthouse. I took the jacket off of Harley and saw she was fully awake, probably due to the noise from outside. I put her down and grabbed her hand as we walked to the court room. I went to go sit next to my lawyer. I nervously sighed...imma win this case for my baby girl.
*skipping to the end I of the court session*

"I find Markea Williams as guilty, sentenced 5 years in prison, Bryson Tiller and Giovanni Roberts will have custody of Harley Tiller. Case dismissed." The judge said as I sighed with relief. I went to Harley and Giovanni. I hugged them with happiness within me. I'm glad she got what she deserved.

"IM GONNA GET YOUR ASS BACK! IMMA GET MY BABY BACK! THIS ISNT THE END!" Markea yelled as she was taken out. We walked out the court room and went to a smaller room for the papers to be signed by Giovanni. The judge walked in and explained everything to us.

I was kind of scared to become a mother so soon but I wanted to be there for Harley...I already loved her like she was my own. Once the judge finished explaining everything I signed the papers. I smiled at Harley.

"I'm officially your mom." I told her as she smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed her forehead. We pulled away from the hug and Bryson gave me a quick kiss on the lips...it was amazing and I could still feel his lips on mine. I was stuck in a daze as we got up and walked out the room. We went outside and of course paparazzi was still there. Bryson's bodyguards crowded around us as we walked back to the car. We got in the back and the driver pulled off immediately of course. I was exhausted and ready to go home and go to sleep.

*15 minutes later*
We arrived at my house and we got out the car. I noticed my door was slightly open. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the door all the way seeing my whole house was trashed. I sighed and put my head in my hands and I dropped to my knees....

"Why is bad stuff always happening to me?" I asked aloud as I started to cry. I heard Bryson come in.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked rushing to my side and hugging me. Luckily he left Harley in the car with D because I didn't want her to see me cry.

"I don't know." I said burring my face into the crook of his neck.

"I know it's to early but I think it's best you move in with me..that way you'll be closer to Harley and it'll be more safe. I sighed because that was really my only option.

"Alright..I'll pack whatever I can." I said wiping my tears away and getting off the floor. I went to my room and saw everything scattered around. The room looked terrible. I grabbed two suitcases out of my closet and grabbed as many clothes and shoes as I could. I stuffed them into one bag while I stuffed makeup, lotions, hair products, and etc in the other one. I grabbed my stash of money..luckily all of it was still there. I noticed a note on my mirror.

So..you wanna leave me for Mr. Tiller? Well this is what you get...you're MINE and MINE only...I'm coming for you bitch. - Deshawn...your first love

I rolled my eyes at his stupidness and grabbed all of my bags. I was gonna call real estate later and tell them the situation. Bryson grabbed my bags for me and I checked to make sure I had everything. Once I checked we walked outside back to the car and Bryson put my bags in the trunk. I got back in the car and saw Harley was sound asleep. I smiled and looked over at Bryson getting inside the car.

"Thank you for everything, like literally..my life is a mess right now and you're talking time out of your days to help me and I really appreciate that." I told him honestly laying my head on his shoulder.

"No problem..that's what boyfriends are supposed to do right?" Bryson said giving me his billion dollar smile that made my heart flutter. I blushed.

*35 minutes later*

We had just got back to Bryson's house and I was unpacking my things and putting them into the drawers in Bryson's room. He only had a 2 bed room but I didn't mind. Harley was still asleep. I had finally finished unpacking and I changed into some more comfortable clothes. I got in the bed and sighed. I closed my eyes and tried to force myself to go to sleep. I felt the bed dip beside me and I opened my eyes seeing it was Bryson. He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into him getting comfortable.

"You know Deshawn left me a note?" I told Bryson half asleep.

"He did? I'm gonna get some people to look into him and get him locked up...I got you..matter fact I got us." He said making me smile. He kissed my forehead and I finally fell asleep.

To be continued..

Happy New Years!! Hope y'all enjoy you guy's day and be safe!!🥳✨

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