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Excuse any mistakes...


I saw black, but then I saw a light. I started walking towards the light. I saw my Mom holding a baby. I smiled and ran towards her engulfing her into a hug.

"Mom I've missed you so much." I told her smiling.

"I've missed you too my baby." She told me kissing my cheek. "Look who I have here." She said as I looked down at the baby.

"Who's baby is this?" I asked her confused.

"This is your son." She told me. I widened my eyes.

"My-my son?" I asked with tears in my eyes. I grabbed him from her and looked down at him. I kissed his forehead and he smiled at me. "He looks just like Giovanni." I said smiling. She grabbed him from me.

"We have to go, but remember this. I will always love you and keep fighting for your life. It's not you're time to go Bryson. You have to take care of Giovanni and Harley. Fight to do better for your family. I love you!" She said as she faded away.

"No come back!" I shouted. Now I was back in the darkness....


We arrived at the hospital and I got out the car quickly running to the entrance while Kiari and Amber followed behind me. I went to the front desk.

"What Room is Bryson Tiller in?" I asked her out of breath.

"And who are you?" She asked with an attitude. I remained calm..for now.

"I'm his fiancé." I told her showing while showing my ring.

"I don't believe you..I'm sorry ma'am but I can't let you back there. You might just be a groupie." She said looking me up and down. I chuckled and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Oh Giovanni finna go AWFFFF!" Amber yelled while doing her crazy laugh. I grabbed the lady by her shirt.

"Listen here you stupid crusty bitch. MY FIANCÉ IS BACK THERE! I NEED TO SEE HIM ASAP AND I WILL PULL THIS DAMN STIFF ASS WIG OFF YOUR HEAD IF YOU WANNA KEEP PLAYING." I spat in her face. Amber showed her a picture of me and Bryson and she nervously typed on her computed.

"I'm sorry ma'am, he's in room 423 on the 4th floor." She told us quietly. I smirked at her.

"Thank you." I told her nicely. We walked towards the elevators and we stepped on. I was nervous and I started shaking. As we stepped off on the 4th floor I started picking at my nails. We arrived at room 423 and I took a deep breath before entering. I walked in and saw Bryson laying on the bed looking lifeless. Tears ran down my face and I walked over to him and sitting on the side of him. I grabbed his hand and kissed it. I started sobbing and Amber came over to me rubbing my back. After I was done crying I wiped my tears away and I stayed by his side the whole time. A nurse came in to check him and told me he was doing a little better. I sighed in relief. After about 3 hours Amber and Kiari left. They told me tomorrow they would bring me some clothes and my car. I gave them hugs and went back to Bryson's side. I called his grandmother earlier and told her everything that was going on, on the way to the hospital. She sounded devastated and told me she would come see him tomorrow and she would bring Harley with her. I grabbed the blanket the nurse brought in for me and placed it around me. I looked at the TV and ended up falling asleep...

The next morning...

I woke up and looked over at Bryson. I grabbed my phone and checked the time seeing it was 10:30am. I sighed and stretched. I looked over and saw I had a bag of clothes. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste out of the bed while going into the bathroom. I did my morning routine and grabbed a towel out of the cabinet. This hospital was fancy as hell kind of. I wiped my face off. I went out the bathroom and grabbed some clothes and jumped in the shower quickly. After 5 minutes I went back out into the room and put my things away. As soon as I sat down a knock on the door sounded. I saw the same nurse from yesterday walk in. She smiled at me.

"Good morning Mrs.Tiller." She told me smiling.

"Good morning." I told her mirroring her smile. She checked his vitals and made sure he was doing fine.

"He's doing fine his progress is slowly increasing which is a good sign." She told me. I smiled.

"Thank you." I told her before she walked out.

"No problem." She told me smiling back at me and walking out the room. I looked down and saw I had a text from Bryson's grandmother.

We'll be there shortly hun 10:48am
Okay 10:49am

After about 10 minutes Bryson's grandmother walked in and so did Harley.

"Mommy!" She yelled running to me. I smiled and kissed her all over her face.

"I missed you." I told her kissing her cheek. "Did you miss me?" I asked her picking her up and placing her on my lap.

"Yes." She said smiling.

"Hey Ms.Tiller." I told her and she sat beside me hugging me.

"Girl call me G-Ma, we family." She said making me laugh. She looked over at Bryson and sighed. "How's he doing?" She asked me.

"He's doing better." I told her smiling weakly.

"What happened to daddy?" Harley asked me. I sighed and explained to her as best as possible to what happened. She responded with a simple oh, clearly still not aware with what was going on. About an hour later, Amber came up to the hospital bring me food. I didn't realize I haven't ate in the past two days because I was so worried about Bryson.

To be continued....

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