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Excuse any mistakes...

7 months later..


"Do you Giovanni Roberts, take Bryson Tiller to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The pastor asked me as I stared into Bryson's eyes smiling

"I do." I said.

"I do too, take Giovanni to be my lawfully wedded wife." Bryson said smirking.

"Ooooooh." Everybody said clapping while I laughed.

"With the power vested in me I now present to you MR AND MRS. BRYSON TILLER." The pastor said. "You May now kiss your bride Bryson." The pastor said. I smiled while Bryson pulled me into a kiss. I was so happy I finally married the man of my dreams. We walked down the aisle outside while everyone clapped for us. We walked into the room where the reception would be. I decided to keep my wedding dress on. I was upset because I couldn't drink any champagne due to the fact I was 3 months pregnant. It was barley noticeable and only me and Bryson knew about it. No one else knew, but today we were gonna announce it. Everyone started to get seated. After 15 minutes, it was time for our first dance. I was nervous. I looked over and saw my mom and sister. I gave them a warm smile and the music started to play. Bryson grabbed my hand and we slowly started to dance. When I looked on the stage I saw Beyoncé walk out I was in literal shock. I gasped and she started to sing.

At last my love has come along

My lonely days are over

And life is like a song

Oh yeah yeah

At last

The skies above are blue

My heart was wrapped up in clover

The night I looked at you

I found a dream, that I could speak to

A dream that I can call my own

I found a thrill to press my cheek to

A thrill that I have never known

Oh yeah yeah

You smile, you smile

Oh And then the spell was cast

And here we are in heaven

For you are mine at last

Once the song ended Bryson dipped me and kissed my neck. I heard oohs and I started giggling. Beyoncé came down and hugged the both of us and I was still in shock.

"Thank you for coming and I love you so much." I told her hugging her again.

"No problem! I love you too girl, Bryson invited me to sing and to stay so me and Blue are staying." She told me smiling. When I saw the table she was walking to, I was surprised to see a table full of celebrities.

"Brysonnnn." I dragged out his name hitting his arm. "You didn't tell me you were going to invite all these celebrities." I said.

"Surprise." He said kissing my lips. I laughed and we walked over to our table. Amber came next to me with Kulture, her daughter. I gasped and grabbed her from her.

"Hi baby!" I said as she looked at me and laughed.

"How does it feel to be apart of the married gang?" She asked me sticking her tongue out. I hit her arm.

"Girl when did you get married?" I asked her.

"In September, we snuck off and went to a court and got married in our pajamas." She said as we laughed.

"Y'all are crazy." I said as I shook my head. We talked little bit more and it was finally time to eat. I was starving. Bryson's grandmother prayed over the food and once she was done Kiari brought us our plates. I instantly started to dig in.

"Babe this food is good." I moaned. He just laughed at me and shook his head. After about an hour everyone finished eating and it was time to cut the cake. We got up and walked over to the cake while holding hands. Everyone gathered around us with their cameras out. Me and Bryson grabbed the knife while cutting into it. We smiled for the pictures and videos. I fed him apiece if cake while he did the same for me. We cut pieces of cake for everyone and we went back to sit down. It was now time for speeches and I know my hormonal ass was about to cry. I saw Amber, Kiari, and Kulture walk onto the stage first.

"Alright hey everybody, if you don't know my name is Amber and this is Kiari and Giovanni's God daughter Kulture, and I just wanted to say that I love you so much G. I'm so proud of you're a really great best friend/sister." I saw her starting to tear up which made me tear up. I dabbed away my tears with a napkin. "I love you so much and God Bless you sis." She said as she wiped away a few tears. Everyone started to clap as she passed the mic to Kiari.

"I just wanna day congratulations to you both." He said keeping it short and sweet.

"You want to say a few words Kulture?" Amber asked Kulture. She just babbled while everyone started laughing. A few more people went including my mom and sister. They surprised me by speaking English and I never knew they could speak English. Harley ran over to me and hugged me.

"Hey baby." I said kissing her forehead. It was now time for me and Bryson to play the "Who game." They explained to us how to play. They asked about 15 questions and this was the last one.

"Who do you love more?" The DJ asked. I raised up Bryson's shoe. I looked back and saw he had mine raised and I smiled while everyone clapped. It was time for Bryson to take off my garter. He got on his knees and went up my dress and used his teeth take it off. I blushed and laughed while everyone hyped him up. The men all went to the back and Bryson threw it back. Drake, yes the singer caught it and he started laughing. It was now time for me to throw the bouquet and I stood up dancing a little bit. I threw it back and when I turned around I saw my sister caught it. I laughed while my mom playfully popped her on the thigh. This night was slowly coming to an end and I was a little sad because I was having a lot of fun but I'm glad I was able to be surrounded by the ones I love. Me and Amber's song formation came on and we got on the floor and started dancing. Beyoncé joined us and so did blue. We were having fun. After an hour of dancing it was time for me and Bryson to thank everyone for coming. We got up on the stage.

"We would just like to thank everyone for coming and we're so happy we got to share this moment with each and everyone of you in this room." I said. I handed the mic to Bryson and I looked at him shaking my head in approval for him to announce the news.

"I am proud to announce, that we will be adding a new edition to this family. Giovanni is 3 months pregnant." He said as everyone started to cheer. I smiled and he wrapped his arm around me. "We kept it a secret because we weren't ready to just tell everyone and felt it was best to just lay low. I don't know how G hid it from everyone but she did." I looked over at amber and saw that she was giving me the side eye and had a playful mad look on her face. I giggled and blew her a kiss.

2 hours later...

We were headed to Bryson's private jet. I was sad we had to leave Harley but we had to go on a honeymoon. We finally arrived and boarded the jet. After settling in I held Bryson's hand and laid my head on Bryson's shoulder as the plane started to go into the sky on the way to Dubai.

"I love you Mr.Tiller." I told him looking at him while smiling.

"I love you too Mrs.Tiller and my little baby." He told me kissing me and rubbing my stomach while I smiled.

The end....

Sorry I ended the book so early, but I hope you guys enjoyed this book!❤️

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