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It was a peaceful night, the only sounds to be heard coming from the crickets outside, and the buzzing of the busy street. But that was only for those outside the well-known JYP building. For those inside...


The beautiful quiet of the place was disrupted by the loud shouts and screams coming from one practice room.

To anyone new venturing through the hallways of this renowned building, the screams might have seemed concerning and downright terrifying. But for those who had worked there for years it was a routine thing they had become quite accustomed to.

The source of those familiar loud screams was the practice room of the company's beloved precious treasure. If one ventures inside the said practice room they would find themselves entering the beautiful chaos that was named TWICE.

Jihyo, the god tier personality having responsible leader of said group, was busy staring in awe at the could-have-been ballerina standing in the middle of the practice room. The rest of the group were scattered around the room, staring too with either awe or trepidation. One stare though stood out from the rest.

Chaeyoung is known well for her love of art. All types of it. She has never been biased over one art form in her life. But maybe this was the one art form she would always pick above the others. Dance. Or more specifically ballet, Mina's ballet.

Since she had always been a fan of art nobody would find it weird that she was staring with such a look at what the fans have always described as the most perfect form of art. At the thought of how such a description suited the person in front of her perfectly, Chaeyoung found herself smiling without realizing. If anyone could see her right now they would understand why fans all over the world shipped the two of them. After all the look in her eyes would have rivaled any love sick look in any of your favorite romantic heroes.

Leaning against the wall of the practice room with her arms crossed in front of her Chaeyoung watched with amusement as the object of her fascination twirled around the practice room.

Mina was still dressed in a sophisticated pant and dress shirt, having just arrived from a meeting when Sana had pulled her into this childish dare. People never really understood how much of dare devil she could be. She rarely let herself run wild with the group, trying to maintain the image she had always been taught to keep. But then these were her girls. Her family. So she hadn't hesitated at the open challenge and accepted it with a determined nod.

So here she was, twirling around the room, laughing out loud as the members cheered with a "Yeah! Mina-ri!" everytime she did a perfect jump mid twirl. Her laugh tinkled like bells around the room mixed with the loud rowdy ruckus caused by the other members as they watched on.

Mina let herself feel the euphoria of victory, as well as the exhaustion that she had kept at bay with sheer stubbornness, as she twirled one last time with a graceful jump and landed perfectly on her feet.

"20!" the members shouted in unison, screaming as they all rushed to hug Mina.

With a loopy almost drunk smile Mina let herself be hugged by everyone, giving back a weak hug in return as she tried to remain standing on her suddenly wobbly knees.

Chaeyoung, who had been standing just outside of the crowd surrounding Mina, watched worriedly as Mina looked on the verge of collapsing.

"So where are you taking us for dinner?" Mina asked turning to Sana with a small smirk. This successfully distracted the members from crowding around Mina and instead they all turned to Sana with an almost evil gleam in their eyes. Sana of course backed up slowly with both hands raised.

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