I am sorry

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*** flashback to 2 years ago***
"We need to talk." Momo announced once they were back at the dorm. It had been nearly a month since the two girls had the fight and both had been annoying the hell out of everyone.

Especially since Chaeyoung started being all cuddly to Momo. They had spent the whole day hanging out even though it was clear from the get go that Chaeyoung was too preoccupied and not in the moment whereas Momo was thinking about a pair of eyes that were always upon her aside from Mina's. She had come to the realization that she had to stop fooling around with the girl beside her even if she enjoyed the jealous looks from Mina. So after they got back she pulled a protesting Chaeyoung to her room and raised a brow at her in question.

Chaeyoung became defensive in an instant and said, "What?"

"Why are you hanging onto me every chance you get?" Momo asked in a very no nonsense tone.

"You don't like it?" Chaeyoung asked a bit of hurt seeping in before she could stop it.

Momo sighed before answering, "No that's not it. I don't mind you hanging onto me when you want to." As she saw Chaeyoung's defensive stance loosen up she continued, "Though I do mind it when you are doing it to anger Mina."

Chaeyoung winced before quickly defending, "I am not!" But as Momo continued to give her a 'seriously' kind of look she grumbled and gave up, "She started it."

Momo shook her head at the girl before saying, "I don't care who started what. All I do care about is someone ending it. And it better be soon Chaeyoung-ah. You two are a real pain in the-" at the girl's big eyes she caught herself before cursing out loud. Instead she put in, "-neck."

Chaeyoung grumbled at her frustrated, "I don't know what you are talking about." and walked off to the bed.

Momo just looked at her retreating figure, the slumped shoulders and sad aura. That was a girl so in denial. She said she didn't care, even acted like it didn't matter but Momo could see, as could the other members, that she was suffering. So against her own motto of never giving someone advices she said, "Sometimes it's best to confront people about things instead of hiding behind pretenses. Sometimes it's best to face your true feelings."

Chaeyoung turned to her then, her eyes cold. It was weird how quickly the cute young Chaeyoung could change so fast into the cold distant Chaeyoung. But Momo knew people learnt how to survive in their own ways. And though she didn't know her story it was easy to see that something had hardened her heart to the world.

"Just talk to her before the two of you end up making this gap bigger than it already is." Momo said in a serious tone before walking out of the room.

Chaeyoung waited for the door to close before sitting down hard on the bed. She didn't know why she reacted that way to Mina ignoring her. It wasn't really her way of doing things. She was never affected by someones lack of attention to her. Instead she welcomed it. So why was it that this time she was hating every single minute of it?

Chaeyoung lay on her bed and stared up at the ceiling. She remembered the first day she had entered the company. It hadn't been her decision really. She had been more or less forced by life. Forced by the need to escape. For as long as she could remember she had never let her feelings show. For her own safety and sanity to some extent. The day she had been herded into the company with the new trainees she hadnt expected much to change. And for some time it didn't. Until a new trainee entered the company. Myoui Mina. The instant Chaeyoung's eyes had fallen on her she had felt intrigued by the regal air surrounding her contrasting with the shy welcoming smile she was emitting. Then the girl had looked up and met her eyes. Chaeyoung had felt her walls come up instantly, a reflex, but the girl hadn't looked away in fear. Instead she had smiled at her too.

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