The fight pt.1

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In a quiet street of Japan nine loud girls interrupted its orderly peace as they raced towards the large bridge, laughing their head off as they screeched to a stop at its edge. They were visiting Japan, Mina's hometown to be specific, as a part of their vacation. It had been months since they last enjoyed this way. The competition and the feelings accompanying it were all a huge burden to bear that had squeezed all of the energy out of them by the end of it. 

These 4 days of travel with nothing on their minds but the sole goal to enjoy these moments had helped them to take a breather from their everyday life.

They stood there in a line with their hands on the railing, 9 girls with different personalities but a similar goal, looking down at the dark water below and breathing in the peaceful sea breeze.

A few seconds of unexpected blissful peace later, Sana suddenly laughed and looked to her left where Jihyo, Nayeon and Jeongyeon were as always stuck together and then to her right where Tzuyu, Dahyun, Momo, Mina and Chaeyoung  were lost in their own thoughts. With eyes filled with mirth she cleared her throat to get their attention.

"I bet none of us can stand on the other side of the railing of this bridge." She sing songed teasingly getting everyone to look at her exasperated.

A second of silence later all of the girls started laughing. Sana had been doing this the whole trip. Betting on absurd things that they all agreed were too stupid to actually try out. Like right now. The bridge was huge, the kind you see on movies where usually a character would have a tragic sad scene where they either jumped to their demise or were saved from jumping to their demise. The ledge at the edge was just wide enough to fit a pair of legs and looked scarily risky to everyone.

There was a moment of silence as everyone stared at the ledge again curious when suddenly a contemplative voice called out.

"I did it once."

8 heads turned to the voice shocked. 

Mina smiled smugly, craning her neck a little to look at the edge of the bridge. She remembered the adrenaline that had coursed through her veins. The pure fear she had felt when her grip had nearly slipped. It had definitely been a really memorable experience for her.

Sighing, feeling a little nostalgic, she turned away from the edge to see 8 pair of questioning eyes on her and nearly cursed out loud. She bit her lip nervous as she realized she had confessed to something really stupid. Before she could explain her way out of the situation though Chaeyoung, standing right beside her, looked at her with a frown and asked incredulous, 

"Why would you do something as stupid as that?"

There was something in her tone of voice that really rubbed Mina the wrong way. It sounded almost like a reprimand which Mina wasn't comfortable with receiving from someone younger than her.

"What?" She asked with a polite smile, feeling herself getting on the defensive already.

The other girls didn't realize or decided to ignore the tension and instead started asking her questions about it. Deciding she would be better off avoiding any conflict at this vacation Mina decided to answer the questions instead, "Yes it was a dare... Of course it was scary... No i never repeated the perfornance again..." 

The members gasped dramatically at every answer and then started showering her with compliments. Meanwhile Chaeyoung kept quiet as she pondered over why she felt upset at the idea of a young Mina risking her life like that for the sake of winning some challenge. It was just a past young mistake that really wasn't any of her business. So she decided to shake off her suddenly off mood and maybe join the others on their dramatic praising but then Sana smiled mischievously and clapped her hands to get their attention.

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