It hurts

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Long after Mina had walked out of the park, Chaeyoung sat there on the ground facing the fountain, thinking about her words and the pain in them.

It made her feel the worst kind of guilt, the fact that she had hurt her again. But then she had known from the get go that she would end up hurting her. It was one thing she was best at after all. Hurting people. She had been taught to do that, had learnt to use that. But Mina... Mina was different.

Hurting Mina meant hurting herself. And though at the heat of the moment she had felt like she was just a few seconds away from finally reaching a decision, now, faced with her doubts and dark thoughts again, Chaeyoung wasn't sure.

Did she actually mean it or was that just her heart trying to force the feelings onto her so that she could stop the one person she cared about the most from leaving.

Groaning out loud Chaeyoung hurled a stone at the fountain in frustration. She would have repeated the action again if her phone hadn't rung suddenly, shaking her out of her spiralling thoughts. She picked up her phone from the ground beside her and looked at the caller ID with a frown. It was Jihyo, probably calling because she was worried about her.

Sighing to herself Chaeyoung picked it up.

"Hello" she muttered into the speaker, slowly standing up and starting to make her way back to the dorm.

"Chaeyoung-ah, Mina is back at the dorm and has locked herself into her room again."

Chaeyoung could hear the concern in her voice and grimaced before muttering guiltily, "Don't worry unnie. Its just... she just needs the time to herself."

There was a pause on the other side and Jihyo probably guessed correctly why that would be so.

Though Chaeyoung expected her to pry for more information Jihyo instead changed the topic,

"Oh...well where are you? It's really late Chae. And uh... did you hear the news?"

Chaeyoung frowned hearing the slight hesitation in her tone. "What news?"

She heard a sigh on the other line.

"The date for the skydiving has been preponed. It's the day after tomorrow."

Chaeyoung groaned in frustration. Great. Now she had another thing to worry about. "Damn it." She cursed with a frown.

"Chaeyoung-ah, you know what date that is right?"

Chaeyoung heard the hesitation again mixed with some nervousness. And so she frowned as she calculated the date.

"Those assholes." she gasped out horrified the instant she realized what date it was.

"Yup. It's the day before Mina's mom's death anniversary. You know you have interviews and videos to shoot right after the skydiving. Which means that you won't be free until late the next day."

"And it would be too late by then for her to travel home." Chaeyoung gritted out with her hands clenched in a fist as anger rose inside her. Oh God how she wished she could kill someone right now.

"Don't you dare do something drastic Chae."

Chaeyoung was brought back to reality by the sound of Sana's voice, maybe Jihyo had left it on speaker in case things went out of hand (a wise decision on her part). She tried to control her anger. It was hard to really, but she tried anyway.

"Just come back home. We will think of something. Calmly."

Chaeyoung hummed in response and ended the call. She wasn't going to let them do this to Mina. No matter what.

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