All over again

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It was like flying. That's all Mina remembers from the experience. She felt like she was flying through the air, and since staring down made her head spin, she closed her eyes tight with a big smile on her face. Her hands were tightly holding onto the harness for dear life, having let go of Chaeyoung's hand somewhere during the initial fall. Everything was up-to Chaeyoung now. And Mina just trusted her to not kill them.

Chaeyoung on the other hand was enjoying the view below her. It was bringing a peace to her that she had missed all these years. She had forgotten how flying through the air could make her feel so powerful and free.

With a focused mind though she followed the instructions she had been taught at the age of 13, and those that she had learnt yet again the last week. Soon their free fall became a smooth glide and Chaeyoung finally relaxed a bit.

The instant she felt the ride smooth out Chaeyoung put her face near Mina's left ear and instructed, "Open your eyes unnie. I am right behind you. No need to be scared."

It took Mina some time to gather her courage but then she really didn't want to miss this moment, so she reluctantly opened her eyes and just like she expected her breath got stolen away. Not from fear though, even though it was still slightly present, but rather from the sight of the beautiful view she could see around her. She gasped out loud in wonder too lost in her awe to notice as Chaeyoung turned the camera she had been holding to capture her awed face before turning it to her smiling face.

"Woo-hoo!" she screamed in excitement for the viewers to see and then turned it around for them to witness the beauty of nature.

It was pretty and perfect. And Mina couldn't believe she was watching it with Chaeyoung. She watched the rolls of beautiful mountains that she hadn't known existed in this part of their town. She looked at the beautiful colors they formed in different shades of green. She watched this sight as she listened to Chaeyoung's heartbeat and felt like her life was perfect in this moment. Yes she was still sad about missing her yearly visit to her hometown, her mother, but as long as she got to be with Chaeyoung, maybe she could survive this disappointment. After all, and she remembered Chaeyoung's whispered words from before, it would be more bearable to seek comfort from her now.

Chaeyoung waved a bye to the camera turning it off and looked at the view, enjoying it, savoring it as she leaned her chin on Mina's shoulder.

"Like it?" She finally asked, her face pressed slightly against Mina's.

And Mina might have been angry at her before, she might have been ready to give up on her before, but at this moment with her words running through her head and her voice filled with such attentive adoration, Mina didn't let herself question the moment. She decided to instead let herself enjoy this small peace of heaven they had unknowingly stumbled upon.

And so she followed her heart as always and turned slightly to kiss her cheek, before blushing furiously and turning away.

"Love it."she replied then, shyness in her tone.

Chaeyoung blinked slowly in surprise at the sudden innocent kiss, and then as she realized that had actually happened, she found her lips pulling into a flustered but happy smile. This was really the best ride of her life.

The glide through the air went on for what felt to them like hours, and then smoothly they started slowly lowering to the ground. As their feet touched the ground Chaeyoung instantly snapped out of her day dream. It was time for her plan.

So without wasting any time Chaeyoung started to take off their harnesses.

Mina, too much excited with what happened in the air, didn't notice the urgency. "Oh my God chae did you see those clouds. They were so close I swear if I had only lifted my hand slightly I would have been able to touch them. And those pretty colours on those majestic mountains, why didn't I notice them before like - why are we climbing in a strange van?" Mina's rambles came to an abrupt halt as she was unceremoniously pushed into a black dark tinted glassed car. It looked like one of those rich cars she saw in movies that belonged to gangsters or chaebols.

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