You Put her first

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Nayeon was pacing back and forth in front of the practice room. Chaeyoung had been inside dancing her heart out. Well more like her frustration.

Just this morning Mina had been called up by the head. It wasn't to cancel the sky diving plan though that's what they all had secretly hoped for. It seemed the Michaeng skydive was the talk of the town now.

Mina was instead called up for something that the other members were kept out of. Something that Chaeyoung had heard from the trainer.

Nayeon stepped in tentatively finally gathering enough courage to actually face the younger.

Chaeyoung wasn't really scary. Just a bit intimidating. Nayeon could deal with people who preferred to keep others out of their business. After all she had Jeongyeon in her life to deal with.

But even so Chaeyoung was a different story. The younger was someone who never showed a crack in her mask. And it had taken so much for Nayeon to finally fit herself a small spot into her life. So she walked on egg shells usually. She didn't fancy being kicked out of her hard earned spot. But this time she couldn't let her deal with it alone. She had a responsibility as the elder after all.

Chaeyoung was too busy moving her body to the beat to realize that someone had joined her. Her face was blank. Trying hard to not think.

But still she heard the words of the trainer echo in her mind.

She shouldn't be doing this. I am not saying she is not ready physically it's just her mental fitness I am worried about. She says it's fine. But it isn't. This isn't a ride in the roller coaster. It's a freaking sky dive. She will freak out. It's dangerous.

Chaeyoung didn't realize she had stopped dancing. She was staring at her reflection hard, eyes glazed out, she had been standing that way for a minute now without her knowing.

Suddenly the music stopped and that snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned startled to find Nayeon giving her a sheepish smile with her hand on the speaker.

"Hey." she muttered with a small wave.

Chaeyoung sighed and gave her a small smile in return before collapsing with her back leaning against the mirror. When Mina had been called by the head during their routine gym session Chaeyoung had wondered why. That is until she had noticed the slight frown on the trainers face.

She had waited till the girl had left the room before turning to the trainer and asking her, more like demanding, about the reason for it. Yuna had looked away for a second debating if she should say anything until finally deciding to tell the girl. And it had driven Chaeyoung to feeling the old anger she had tried best to win against. The type that had lead to her beating the shit out of anyone at hand. It was the one feeling she hated. The one that made her crazy. So she had decided to burn it out. But it wasn't helping. Not at all.

Seeing the girl with her eyes closed Nayeon wondered if she had passed out. They had been in the dorm when the manager had called telling them that Chaeyoung was in a very bad mood. They all knew about how uncontrollable she got with her anger. Had found out about it about 2 years ago.

So Nayeon had volunteered to go to her much to everyone's surprise. But nobody and stopped her. For a childish girl she could actually handle such situations like a pro. So here she was looking at the drained girl worry etched on her face. She walked up to the girl gingerly and sat beside her.

"What happened?" she finally asked, looking down at her.

Chaeyoung frowned slightly at the question. Nayeon wasn't someone Chaeyoung looked to for advice. Not that she wasn't good at it, just because she was so bright it almost felt like a sin to make her worry or upset. But this time Chaeyoung wanted to talk, she really did, but this was something Mina had never shared about with other members. Her fear of heights. And Chaeyoung didnt want to share a secret the girl wasn't ready to divulge. So instead she sighed and opened her eyes looking into the worried eyes of her member before saying, "The head called Mina unnie to ask her one last time if she would do the sky diving."

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