Try and Stop Me

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"Oh Fucking Hell" Chaeyoung spit out finally, her eyes cold with barely controlled anger. 

With a determined set to her lips she snatched the paper from the table non too gently.

Staring at the words on it Chaeyoung felt her anger rise some more. In her panic mixed with anger she crumbled up the paper and looked at the somewhat befuddled manager with an ice cold glare.

"Wait. I will talk to her about this. Don't give it yet. I will do it, but not with her." she clipped out through gritted teeth, her face set in a grim look. The manager nodded quite terrified of the look as without another word Chaeyoung turned away and stormed out the door.

It took only a few seconds for the rest of the girls to deduce what Mina had just done. Honestly, none of them had expected her to do something like that. But then none of them had exactly been surprised either. This was Mina after all. Her stubbornness had been legendary even before she had made a name for herself in the industry.

Nayeon stood looking at the now closed door of the room with a concerned frown on her face. She turned to look at Jeongyeon beside her with a helpless expression, unsure of what she should do now. But Jeongyeon had a similar unsure look on her face, though she tried to hide it with a reassuring smile and a squeeze of the hand held in hers. Nayeon looked down at their intertwined hands then and squeezed her hand back gently just to give some comfort of her own.

Dahyun, who had been sitting down beside Momo looking at her in concern, now sighed as she put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Let's just leave the two be. They will figure it out." She suggested hesitantly, wishing to comfort the girl beside her.

The now nervous wreck of a manager, who everyone had forgotten existed in the room, left the room silently.

Sana was now seated on a chair with Tzuyu standing beside her. The younger had an arm swung around Sana's shoulder squeezing them in a silent show of support. 

Jihyo stood alone leaning with her back on a wall, lost in thought as she contemplated all that had happened.

Finally after a moment of tense silence Sana, with her eyes staring unfocused at her feet as she frowned deep in thought, murmured almost distractedly to herself, "Maybe we can try to convince Chaeyoung to not do it."

But even as she said it she slumped her shoulders in defeat while the others sighed in unison.

Dahyun closed her eyes, tired suddenly, and asked with a sardonic smile on her face, "Does she ever listen to us when she is this determined?"

Sana bit her lip and shook her head defeated, "Not really."

Still with an arm around her unnie Tzuyu mused monotonously, like she was thinking out loud to herself, "She has already said yes and signed the consent form. She would never back off now."

Her statement was met with dead silence. The others couldn't really say anything to that, already well aware of how true it was.

Jihyo looked up then, snapping herself out her thought spiral that was leading her nowhere. She was of course as upset as the rest of team over this matter. But she knew that someone had to be clear headed in this situation. And as the leader she had no choice but to be that person. Even though deep inside what she really wished for was for someone to hold her the way her friends were holding each other she knew she had to become the person they could depend on.

Shaking herself out of that thought she pushed back from the wall she was leaning on and proceeded to instruct with a tired sigh.

"Let's just leave it for now. She won't listen to us anyways. Just give them space." Walking a few steps towards the closed door she stopped and just stared at it for a moment before muttering, "I think they both have a lot of things to discuss privately."

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