How can we forget

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"I'm here." Momo announced loudly as she entered with a dramatic opening of the door only to see an empty room. 

It was THE meeting room. Basically the one empty bedroom in their dorm which nobody used. A place where they gathered to make important decisions or just goof off. Mostly the latter.

Frowning slightly at the absence of a single human in the room Momo sighed and murmured dissapointedly, "Pssht no ones here."

But then right as she said that a small body hugged her from behind, sending her nearly face first to the carpeted floor as she leaned all of her weight onto her. A voice muffled against her back whined petulantly, "Unnieeee I am tireeeed."

She knew that voice and the feel of that body on her back. Actually, she knew that body too well to not recognize it even without the voice. Chuckling to herself at her own thoughts Momo slowly unlocked the arms wrapped tight around her and turned around to face her. Yep. Definitely the person she wanted at the moment. With a silly in love smile Momo wrapped her arms around the girl's waist to pull her into a hug, though it felt like she was hugging a dead person with the way she just leant all of her weight onto her half unconscious.

Dahyun let out a lazy hmph of surprise at the squeeze around her waist and opened her eyes slightly. She smiled back at Momo drunkenly and wrapped her arms around the back of her neck. 

"You were up late again weren't you?" Momo asked sternly her face deepened by a frown.

Dubu opened her eyes wider still and shook her head fast. "No I wasn't!"

At this obvious lie Momo lifted a perfectly curved brow at her, her eyes cool and questioning. Dubu gulped in fear. Her forever smiling unnie was really scary when she found something upsetting. And lying was one of them. Which was why Dubu quickly retracted her earlier statement.

"Just till midnight. I swear no more than that." She widened her eyes big to make them look more innocent.

Sighing at the ball of cuteness in her arms Momo just grumbled some nonsensical words and dragged her to the sofa, pulling her to sit on her lap. Before she could continue the interrogation though in walked Tzuyu with a nagging Sana hanging on her arms. "But I just want to know if I look pretty in this particular sweater."

Tzuyu rolled her eyes at the girl hanging on her arms and half dragged her to sit on the sofa facing the Dahmo couple. "And I already told you that you look pretty in every single one of your clothes."

Sana opened her mouth ready to whine some more when Nayeon entered the room pulling a reluctant Jeongyeon behind her. 

"But I just want to sleep for a while. I am tired." Jeongyeon grumbled even as she let herself be dragged by a huffy looking Nayeon.

At this statement Dahyun chirped a "Me too!" from Momo's lap where she was seated quite comfortably. Jeongyeon smiled at Dahyun for the show of camaraderie while Nayeon shot her a glare at which Dubu just shrugged.

"Even if you are dying and on your last breathe you still attend a meeting when it's called. Especially if it's this important." Nayeon lectured sitting down on the left of the Dahmo couple and dragging down Jeongyeon to sit beside her.

Roling her eyes at the dramatic queen beside her Jeongyeon grumbled petulatntly, "As if we can do anything when it comes to the two of them."

This made Nayeon frown. because quite honestly none of them had much control when it came to Mina and Chaeyoung's life. Both were a bit too stubborn for their own good. Looking like a not so happy bunny Nayeon shook off her pessimism and persisted, "Even if that's the case we still need to try."

"But-" Jeongyeon started to protest again when Nayeon just shushed her by putting her really big but beautiful hands on her mouth.

As Jeongyeon glared at her Nayeon just gave her the puppy eyes and pouted her lips. "Please."

Sighing at her tactics Jeongyeon made herself more comfortable on the sofa before kissing Nayeons hand that was still on her mouth. Nayeon squealed and took away her hand blushing like a tomato. Chuckling at her Jeongyeon closed her eyes, laying back on the sofa trying to rest. She got about 5 seconds in before Jihyo woke her up again with her-


Groaning at the loud voice accompanied by that obnoxiously loud clap for attention (as if her voice wasn't loud enough to wake up an entire Army) Jeongyeon opened her eyes again, lifting her head with a glare as she cried out, "Why cant you all just let me sleep for one damn minute!"

Jihyo gave her a small glare in return, clearly unamused by her dramatic huffing after the statement, and then turned to the gathered members and singled out Momo with one look. Momo understanding the message got up and announced grimly, much like doctor announcing the death of a patient to its relative, 

"The season two of The Fight has begun."

Everyone groaned appropriately at that disheartening announcement except for Tzuyu who just raised her brow clearly bored. "Why are we making such a big deal out of it?" she asked fed up with their dramatics.

This resulted in dead silence as everyone looked at Jihyo who in turn gave Tzuyu such a stern look that it made Tzuyu hide a little behind Sana with her eyes wide in fear who then proceeded to hide her from the scary leader. 

"First of all we are NOT being overly dramatic." Jihyo emphasized with a grim expression.

At which Tzuyu was quick to defend herself with a small "I never said that!" still hidden behind Sana, who had her arms spread out with a suspicious look directed at the leader in case she decided to sneak attack her poor socially awkward girlfriend.

Jihyo, expertly ignoring Sana's look and Tzuyu's interference, continued in the same grim tone "Second of all it is a serious issue because if I remember correctly the last time they fought Chaeyoung quit talking with anyone in the dorm and Mina also became a silent zombie. Both refused to give up the fight and ended up making US miserable."

"Yeah they did." Nayeon murmured remembering how tense the atmosphere was back then.

"It nearly killed me." Dahyun agreed with her eyes wide in traumatized revisiting of the horrible times as Sana nodded vigorously to support her statement. She had now relaxed her stance distracted by the topic at hand.

"And Chaeyoung started being all clingy to me!" Momo reminded with a small frown, instinctively holding tighter onto Dahyun's waist. 

"And Mina retaliated by being clingy to ME." Jeongyeon reminded stealing a glance at Nayeon to see her pouting at the memory. Smiling slightly she held onto her hand and squeezed it. That made the girl blush and smile which was all Jeongyeon wanted.

"And if you remember even the fans started noticing something was off with the two." Jihyo put in sighing as she seated herself beside the Satzu duo. The previous infraction of the maknae forgotten for the moment as everyone revisited those horrible times.

As the members all started nodding Tzuyu sighed and agreed with them, "I get it. It is pretty important. Just tell me what we are gonna do about it though because if I remember clearly we didn't do anything the last time to solve the problem and it still ended up solved."

At this all of her Unnis stayed silent for a while. Nobody knew what to say since it was true. Because as stated earlier when it came to the Michaeng duo none of them had any power. Both were equally hard headed and the only ones that had any influence on either of them were... well the two themselves.

"Do you all still remember how the first fight started?" Jihyo asked curious.

"Oh god how can i forget it." Sana said with a shiver. "Wasn't it right after we debuted?" she asked looking at Momo for confirmation.

"Yeah, the night we went to Japan to celebrate it. How can we even forget it? That was our first serious conflict ever" Momo added with a sigh and the others agreed.

"It was one unforgettable night wasn't it?" Jihyo asked rhetorically sighing too. She remembered everything clearly. Mostly because it had been a new experience and also because that night she had seen the angry side of Mina and Chaeyoung for the first time.

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