She is just perfect

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Chaeyoung was tired again as she walked into the dorm. Today the trainer had been all about stretches. To say it was uncomfortable would be right. No matter how good her physique stretching wasn't her forte. Not to point out the fact that Mina was forever giving such tempting poses and looking enchanting as ever.

Somehow, during the entire session, Chaeyoung had found herself repeatedly looking at the girl without meaning to. So she had spent the day just staring at her or getting frustrated over her lack of flexibility.

Not a great combination.

With a bone tired sigh Chaeyoung looked at the clock in the living room and saw it was 11 already.

This time she had been the one held back because obviously the ballerina knew her stretches to the Z. She had stayed for an extra 2 hours and dear god the stretches had nearly made her muscles scream in pain. Walking to her room she went to take a much needed hot shower. She groaned at the slight ache in her joints and would have just tumbled to sleep if someone hadn't knocked on her door and peeked in.

"Tzuyu?" Chaeyoung called out a bit confused.

Tzuyu was wearing sweats and a tight fitting shirt which obviously meant she had been about to retire for the night. At Chaeyoung's confused frown she just gave her a small smile.

Being the same age the two of them had never felt the need to hold back from each other. They had felt at ease almost instantly, the result of being the youngest and probably sanest members from their group. Not to point out the fact that Tzuyu was in love with the one girl Chaeyoung had always considered something like a mother.

"Hey" she called back with a small smile.

Another weird thing about her that made her stand out even as a trainee was her reluctance to smile freely. She always hid that smile of hers and till now Chaeyoung remembered only a handful of times Tzuyu had smiled freely.

Chaeyoung smiled at her in return and did not ask her anything else. She just sat on the side of her bed rolling her aching shoulders. She didn't ask her any question knowing she would talk when she felt like it. Tzuyu after all never beat around the bush.

She heard her climb onto the bed after a while and move behind her. Then she felt soft hands massaging her shoulder.

After a strainful day such a treatment was of course heaven. So much that she almost moaned in pleasure.

"Shut up dude you might give the guys the wrong idea." Tzuyu reprimanded instantly with amusement in her tone.

So it wasn't almost.

Not really bothered by the slip up Chaeyoung just grumbled an incoherent reply and enjoyed the massage.

Tzuyu stayed silent for a while thinking about what Sana had told her.

"She is troubled." Sana muttered cuddling more into her.

Tzuyu hummed in response. She knew who Sana was talking about. She had been worried about the two 24/7 since the fight after all. 

Holding tighter onto her Tzuyu just let her mumble her thoughts.

Sana let the warmth of the girl comfort her before continuing, "She has always been so strong about everything."

"But you still worry about her." Tzuyu muttered letting Sana pull her even closer. Sighing at the girl in her arms she tried to console, "Don't worry so much. I know you think that's impossible, I know that it is impossible for that matter but still try not to let the worry get to you."

Sana just mumbled something along the lines of "Will try." and then fell asleep soon after. But Tzuyu stayed awake lost in thought for a long while before she heard the front door close. Though her instinct was to let it be she looked at the girl in her arms and got up slowly. Ensuring she wouldn't wake up anytime soon she made her way to the door. With a hand on the knob though she turned to her bed, looking at the lovely sight infront of her for motivation, and muttered, "The things I do for you."

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