She makes you happy

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A few days later the relative unexpected quiet of the dorm was disturbed as Chaeyoung entered with a tired sigh and called out, "Why do we have a girl named Yuna as our trainer for the sky diving?"

Jihyo, who was smiling and chatting with someone on her phone, looked up, her face too blank for comfort, and replied, "Because our gym instructor had an unfortunate case of rashes that required some immediate medical attention."

At this Chaeyoung gave a suspicious look to Jihyo and asked, "Why did he fall down the stairs then?"

Jihyo shrugged before hiding behind her phone. Chaeyoung stared at her some more and missed the look of slight guilt on Nayeon and Dahyun's faces, who were watching some kdrama on TV.

"He probably missed the steps looking at his phone. You know how clumsy he is." Momo provided helpfully as she entered the room from the toilet.

When Chaeyoung directed her suspicious look to Momo she just gave her her best innocent smile which just increased Chaeyoung's suspicion. Unable to crack the older girl she shrugged it off then, too tired to play detective, before walking off to her room with a nod.

"Where's Mina?" Momo asked her before she vanished into her room.

Chaeyoung frowned a little at that before responding, "She was held back by the new trainor. They had something to talk about."

Momo could clearly see her brain working full time in trying to figure out the reason for that and walked up to her patting her shoulders before saying, "It's probably nothing."

Chaeyoung just gave a distracted nod in return before walking into her room.

"So what did you do to the poor trainer that he actually had to go to the hospital?" Momo asked the instant they were alone, turning to the two girls fidgeting on the sofa.

Jihyo just continued her chatting muttering, "That was unintentional."

Momo frowned a little in confusion and Nayeon just groaned before saying, "We just put some itching powder on his clothes."

"Like really little." Dahyun interjected holding her two fingers really close.

"Then why is he in the hospital?" Momo asked again seating herself on the table facing the two girls.

Dahyun chewed her lips nervous as Nayeon replied, "He fell down the stairs and sprained his foot."

Momo, still confused just stared at the girls until Jihyo sighed and said, "He was scratching like a madman and didn't see the stairs."

"You were there?" Momo asked curious.

"Yeah since I had to implement the next step that is to recommend Yuna." Jihyo replied.

Nayeon sighed, "I feel like an ass really."

"Me too." Dahyun added pouting slightly.

Momo just stood up and patted their head, ignoring Nayeons' complaining whine, before saying, "Just send him some flowers." As the two nodded at her she walked to her room but paused before looking back and asking with a confused frown, "Where did you even get itching powder?"

Nayeon smirked and looked back at her, "I have my ways."

"She does." Dahyun agreed nodding her head vigorously.

Momo just shook her head, too tired to ask anymore, and announced as she walked into her room, "I am taking a nap."

"Wait. I am coming." Dahyun called out quickly. As she rushed to stand up she caught the questioning eyes of Jihyo and Nayeon. Without a hitch in her step she shrugged saying, "What? I want cuddles." before skipping away to join Momo.

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