You risk your everything

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Chaeyoung woke up to whimpers and instantly she held the girl in her arms tightly against herself. She didn't think twice before whispering, "I am here." and Mina quieted down immediately snuggling a bit deeper.

Now wide awake Chaeyoung looked around her surrounding. They were back at the dorm. In her room. Confused for a second she took a moment to reorient herself before she suddenly remembered  about how they had gotten there.

Chaeyoung had woken up when the door opened suddenly, showing the manager who had come to call them, having been informed by Nayeon about their whereabouts.

They had been sleeping there for a few hours apparently.

As she tried to wake up Mina though the girl whimpered and Chaeyoung frowned a little when she shivered. Worried she put a hand on her forehead and found it a bit warmer than normal. Knowing that the cold floor wasn't really helping her case she gave up on waking her up and picked her up without further delay. The manager still waiting by the door didn't bat an eye lash at that. Too used to finding some of the girls carrying the others.

They got in the car fast and the whole ride was spent in tense silence as Mina cuddled deeper into Chaeyoung making herself comfortable on her lap, sleeping the entire ride home. They reached to an empty dorm, Mina still in Chaeyoung's arms, since everyone was out somewhere doing something.

So without any delay she made her way, with Mina hanging onto her, directly to her own room after whispering a thank you to the manager and bidding him farewell. Once the girl was settled on the bed Chaeyoung had the thought that maybe she wouldn't like to be in her room. Not that they hadn't slept here together many times before. It's just that this time Mina was still kind of mad at her.

But before she could really think it through Mina whimpered again and Chaeyoung forgot everything else aside from the girl before her. She kept a hand on her forehead whispering sweet nothings to calm her down. It always helped when she was upset and this time wasn't any different. Mina became silent again and Chaeyoung sighed relieved. She would have walked out then but Mina held tight onto her hand and for a sick person she had a really tight grip and enough strength to actually pull the girl onto her bed. It wasn't a comfortable position since she was just half on and half off the bed. But she felt the warmth radiating off Mina and even if it was due to fever she kinda liked the feeling. So she got into a more comfortable position, lying down right beside her with the girls head on her chest, her arms around her waist and her legs overlapping with her own. Now that was a comfortable position.

Which is why she fell asleep.

Chaeyoung put a hand on Mina's forehead, relieved to feel it was back to a normal temperature. When the girl stirred she pat a hand on her head to put her to sleep again and would have joined her soon but after a while her stomach grumbled loudly. She checked to see if it had woken up the girl in her arms but thankfully she wasn't awake. She got up a little from the bed to make sure that Mina had fallen asleep again and smiled seeing her sleeping face. Taking a chance she tried to slip out of her grip, and exhaled a breath she hadn't known she was holding when Mina didn't stir.

Chaeyoung was very hungry due to all the exercise she had done in her anger so now she didn't have any other choice but to scavenge for food that hopefully the other starving monsters in her dorms had left for her and Mina.

Chaeyoung silently made her way to the door, closing it quietly behind her and walked off to the kitchen. And then she nearly cursed out loud as she saw a figure move about. She would have panicked in another second if a familiar voice hadn't called out, "Is that you Chaeyoungah?"

Exhaling in relief she walked further into the kitchen to see Jihyo heating some pasta. Her stomach growled at the sight and she grumbled in annoyance.

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