Maybe isn't enough

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"Someone should go after her." Dahyun suggested anxiously as she sat there biting her lip in worry on the sofa.

"She did say she wanted to be alone?" Jeongyeon pointed out from beside her, though it sounded hesitant even to her own ears.

"Well we can't possibly let her be alone. Her eyes were red." Jihyo exhaled worried as she paced back and forth.

Tzuyu chewed her lip in worry as she stared at the floor lost in thought. Finally she mumbled, "I just wish Momo and Sana were here. They would know what to do."

The other three girls nodded at that. Even Nayeon would have been great help in this situation really. But as it was the three had been called to the company.

"What happened?"

All four of them turned to the door instantly at the new voice. Chaeyoung stood by the door with a frown on her face as took stock of everyone's worried and slightly panicking expression. She had taken a walk around town after the training had ended, needing some time to herself to think only to come home to a very tense atmosphere. Her eyes instinctively looked around for Mina but somehow she could sense it that she wasn't in the dorm at all.

And so Chaeyoung's eyes lost their questioning look. It hardened into a cold look that till this date only some of the members had developed an immunity to. Tzuyu could feel the others freeze up beside her and knew that she would have to break the news to the girl.

"Mina unnie walked out." she finally revealed with a sigh. At Chaeyoungs raised brow she continued, "She didn't look fine. It looked like she had been crying."

Chaeyoung felt her heart stop for a second. The fact that Mina had been crying was bad enough, but the fact that she had walked out right after meant only one thing. Something bad had happened.

Without a moment of hesitation she then turned back around throwing her bag somewhere in the living room. The rest of the girls just watched her run nobody making an attempt to stop her. It would have been really of no use since after all these years they understood now that Chaeyoung would never stop when it comes to Mina.

"And she says she isn't sure. God that girl can be so dumb some days." Tzuyu muttered. The others couldn't help but sigh in agreement.

*** *** *** ***

Mina ran as fast as she could, her heart thumping in complaint inside her chest. Her cheeks were damp from the tears that she couldn't control. And her breathing wasn't any stable either, though her running could have contributed some to it.

She didn't know why she had run to the park at such a late hour. Just that she had needed to go out. Had needed some fresh air. But it wasn't helping really. It wasn't helping at all.

As she finally let herself stop by the Park's fountain, she felt her knees give out beneath her and so she knelt down with a thump. All the pent up frustration, the fear and anxiety in heart were toppling over in this moment. She had coped with the heart break, it was the easiest to do after all, she had even learnt to not have a panic attack at the thought of jumping off a freaking plane but this. This she couldn't handle. It was the last blow to her already thin control.

Kneeling there beside the fountain Mina wept in frustration. Because no matter how hard she tried to come to a decision she couldn't. The words of the chief ran around in her head and all she could do was clutch tight onto her sweater with her eyes closed in an attempt to get it to stop.

And that's how Chaeyoung found her.

Chaeyoung had run as fast as she could to the one place she always associated with Mina. The park. Or rather aptly named by the members as their park. It was the one place all the members agreed both had made a home out of, often running off there to blow off stress.

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