I am

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The plane glided up in the air and the two girls smiled down at all the cameramen and staff looking up at them. Yuna had her face set in a frown, probably over the strange request that Chaeyoung had put up in the last minute. But she knew there was nothing to really worry about. She had trained the girl well.

"Best of luck you love birds." she muttered with a small smile. The director then started shouting in the mic of his vest and she wondered what that was about.

Chaeyoung's smile instantly vanished the minute the camera in the ground stopped recording them. And she could see that Mina had stopped smiling too. Her face was set in determination yet she wasn't staring at the ground anymore. Instead she was staring at her feet like it held the answer to everything. Yes she was fine enough for now, but Chaeyoung knew she was a step away from a panic attack. Knew that she wouldn't be able to control it. So she moved suddenly to sit beside her. At this Minas body stiffened ever so slightly but Chaeyoung didn't care. She needed to do this.

"Shit the camera stopped working director." the cameraman with them started panicking a bit listening to the words that Chaeyoung knew were being shouted at him from below.

She didn't know how the girls have managed to do that but well she wasn't gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. So without wasting much time she held tight onto the hands of the girl beside her. And it wasn't in the plan. It really wasn't. But she couldn't stop herself now could she.

"Mina-ri." she called softly, her face as close as it could ever be. Mina startled at the closeness of her voice and looked up just to startle yet again when she realized how close they were. So close that Mina could look right into her eyes and get lost in them. Into those nervous but determined and surprisingly soft looking eyes.

Chaeyoung didn't let the cute look on her face distract her... For more than a minute at least (she is human after all)... And continued, "I want to tell you something."

As Mina looked ready to probably reject the request Chaeyoung gave her a stern look. "Just listen OK? Just for a few minutes."

And try as she might Mina couldn't actually say no. Because it looked like Chaeyoung really needed to do this. So with a sigh she nodded at her to give her assent.

Chaeyoung smiled grateful and then mumbled. "I care for you unnie. A lot more than is healthy for friendship."

And Mina instantly frowned slightly at that. She didn't want to talk about this anymore. Didn't want to listen to her excuses anymore. But before she could turn away Chaeyoung used her hand to gently hold onto her chin, stopping her from moving.

With her reluctant attention back on her she continued softly, "You can't imagine how I lived before I met you. I wasn't living. I wasn't... Happy. But then I met you. And just like that everything changed. You, my stubborn ballerina, made me happy. The minute you stepped into my life with that smile."

Against her will Mina felt her heart speed up in that oh so familiar way and that scared her. She couldn't risk another heart break. She couldn't at this stage. So with a desperate look in her eyes she tried to interrupt,


But Chaeyoung put up a finger to her mouth to silence her. Of course she could see the desperation in her eyes and it hurt her to realize she was that scared of her words now. Pushing that thought away though she gently cupped her cheek with a soft reassuring smile, "Just listen Unnie. Please." And as Mina sighed and bit her lip before going silent Chaeyoung nodded at her in thanks before continuing, "I have a lot of things that scare me unnie. I don't show it to people but I do. I am scared of feelings in general. Too scared to trust and accept someone into my life. But you..." she stared lovingly at her face, which was slightly less guarded now and more confused, "You make them all go away. Like magic."

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