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Mina woke up to sunlight streaming in through the curtains.

She forgot to close the curtains again. She thought to herself wryly, her mind still only half awake. But then her eyes, which were about to droop back to sleep, popped open again.

She was in Chaeyoung's room.

At the realization Mina lifted her head fast to look around her and saw that she was indeed in Chaeyoung's room minus Chaeyoung. She was nowhere in sight.

Groggy still she turned to the side table knowing she had a habit of leaving her notes.

Gone to the gym. You are excused since if you can't remember you had a fever yesterday. Rest well.


Mina smiled looking at it. It was just so habitual now that she just let herself, as usual, soak in the domesticity of it all.

But then, as is the way with reality, she suddenly realized the flaw in this perfect scenario. And just like that her smile fell. Her heart aching as it usually did whenever she remembered why her perfect happily ever after wasn't exactly that.

Of course usually Mina just forced herself to forget the reason why it wasn't perfect and moved forward with her day. Her heart always filled with new hope. But this time... this time it didn't happen.

Instead, Mina felt defeated all of a sudden.

They had been in this stand still for 2 years now. They weren't a couple. Chaeyoung had never confessed nor accepted her confession. But they weren't really friends anymore, and she didn't have anyone to blame but herself. After all she had been the one to put them there.

With a sudden realization of how weak her castle of illusions were, Mina clutched her chest weakly with a little smile, her eyes tearing up all of a sudden.

She had brought this upon herself hadn't she.

Chaeyoung tried to follow the instructions of the trainer, though she kept getting distracted with the thought of the girl in her room right now.

Finally when she spaced out for the tenth time probably, Yuna sighed calling it a day. Explaining that the two of them needed a day off too.

Without any hesitation Chaeyoung agreed with her and would have walked out instantly if Yuna hadn't asked suddenly,

"By the way how's your girlfriend doing now?"

Chaeyoung stopped in her tracks at the question and turned around with a confused frown on her face. Before she could answer though Yuna waved her hand in dismissal.

"Leave it. She must be not fine since she actually missed practice today. I don't know why I even asked."

Chaeyoung would have said something else if Yuna hadn't then said her farewells and walked out, leaving a still confused Chaeyoung standing behind.

It wasn't the first time someone had thought that about them. Hell everyone in the dorm even treated them like they were a couple. And if she thought about it, Chaeyoung wouldn't deny either that they acted like one.

They were practically dating really. Except for the fact that she hadn't ever agreed to it.

With a bone tired sigh Chaeyoung sat down in the now empty gym, her back against the wall. She closed her eyes remembering how she had ended up agreeing to such an arrangement.

Dahyun watched wide eyed as Momo walked towards the bed wearing shorts and a tank top. She, as usual, looked hot and Dahyun couldn't really stop staring.

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