Just let me

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Later in the afternoon, Momo and Tzuyu were cleaning the dishes when suddenly a loud scream reverberated in the dorm.

Instantly Tzuyu took off towards the sound since she could recognize Sana's scream from a mile away. Courtesy of Sana screaming at anything anywhere.

And Momo rushed behind her too since the scream had come from Dahyun's room and Dubu was not really good with dealing with an overexcited Sana.

"What happened?" Jihyo asked as she saw the two rushing to Dahyun's room. She had been taking a nap to refresh her brain when she had been so rudely awakened by the scream. The other two didn't pause to answer as they rushed to the room and barged in, Jihyo following close behind.

Sana looked up from the computer at the sound of the door banging open and smiled sheepishly seeing the look of worry on Tzuyu's face. Dahyun follwed suit, as she stood behind Sana, looking at Momo and shrugging. Groaning at the two Tzuyu and Momo just sighed.

"Oh god what is it now Sana?" Nayeon grumbled as she walked into the room casually. She was used to Sana screaming, as were the others, but they still always ended up running to check since the screams were always really loud.

"Where is Jeongyeon?" Jihyo asked looking behind her to check.

"We are not stuck together at the hip you know?" Nayeon retorted shaking her head.

"Could have fooled me." Jihyo shot back, sarcasm heavy in her tone.

Nayeon huffed annoyed, arms crossing infront of her chest, since everyone was nodding at Jihyo's comment. "We are NOT!" she said with an emphasis on the not, almost stomping her foot.

Momo just sighed and gave her a raised brow that clearly said, just-answer-already.

"She is sleeping." Nayeon grumbled finally and went to sit on Dahyun's bed. "So care to tell us why you were screaming?" Nayeon asked not wanting the attention on her anymore. At least not this time.

Sana just pointed at the computer that was displaying a new webpage, clearly asking them to see for themselves. Tzuyu sighed and walked up to read the content as Dahyun made space for her.

"What are you doing reading some gossip-" And she stopped short as she finally came to the part that caused all this commotion. "Oh shit!" she cursed as she read on.

"Tzuyu!" Nayeon exclaimed. "No cursing."

Before Tzuyu could defend herself Momo called out exasperated, "Just read it aloud someone."

Dahyun sighed then before informing, "The article just states one thing-The Michaeng duo are going sky diving as confirmed by JYP entertainment."

This made everyone still at the door curse out loud, prompting Tzuyu to mutter about the unfairness of the world.

Finally Jihyo stated the one thing that was on everyyones mind. "Chaeyoung is going to kill someone."

And everyone groaned in unison.

Just then a wild looking Jeongyeon entered the room, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she muttered, "What's wrong guys?"

And... Well, Nayeon threw a pillow at her.

*** *** ***

Chaeyoung stormed her way to the manager's office, her fingers clutching her phone tight. Slamming the door open without a knock she proceeded her march right up to the desk of the now slightly scared manager, her eyes dead cold and serious, and gritted out, "I said i was going to do it alone"

The manager put up his hands in surrender as he hastened to explain, "Well I didnt give the papers to the head. I swear."

"Then why the hell do i see an article stating that the 'Michaeng duo are going sky diving as confirmed by JYP entertainment.'?" she hissed pushing the phone with the webpage in front of his face.

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