You care

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That night, as Chaeyoung and Mina took their dinners to their own room, the seven girls sat there looking at each other. Glaring more likely.

"God damn it." Sana cursed as she stood up with a huff, her lips pouting rather cutely. The others giggled at her and high fived each other except for Tzuyu who just patted Sana's butt giving her an apologetic smile.

"Just go and talk to her. You are really good at making people talk anyway." Momo consoled with a smile. Which vanished the instant Sana looked at her with a determined look.

Sana sighed and gave an apologetic smile directed at Momo, maybe a bit fake but nobody dared point it out, and said, "You are talking with Mina while I go talk with Chaeyoung."

At this Momo groaned. She had known that look couldn't bode well for her. She let out a protesting whine while Nayeon nearly hurt her side laughing.

"Why me? Just take Tzuyu." Momo whined in protest.

Sana raised a brow at her, her look clearly stating really now?, before pointing at, a now panicking, Tzuyu, "She doesn't deal well with hysterics, except for mine."

"Yup. That's right." Tzuyu agreed whole heartedly. It was hard to not notice the clear look of relief on her face.

Momo was about to call out other names when Sana continued pointing at Jeongyeon, "She will most likely tell Mina to go have a yelling match. To fight it out."

Jeongyoen just shrugged, her expression slightly laid back and relieved since she wasn't the one chosen, saying, "It's the best solution trust me."

Not bothering to reply to that she turned pointing at Nayeon next and continued, "She will just tell them, all cheerfully, to kiss and make up."

"Isn't that what we all want?" Nayeon asked genuinely confused. What was wrong with that anyway?

"Yeah bun but we can't tell them that in such a direct manner." Jeongyeon said patting her shoulder, stifling a laugh at her miffed expression.

Ignoring the comments Momo looked at Jihyo and asked, "Why not her?"

Sana looked at her and just sighed, really that was just quite petty of the girl, to point out the leader. "She is really not that good at dealing with anger you know."

At which Jihyo nodded vigorously. Momo frowned. She knew that and felt slightly bad for putting the leader on the spot knowing she would just agree to it out of obligation. But don't blame a desperate girl for trying to survive. She just knew it that the sight of a depressed Mina would put her right over the edge.

Sana sighed then, cause she knew why Momo really was avoiding the situation like a deadly disease. But she knew that Mina would only open up to either Momo or her. And she would have exchanged but she couldn't really trust Momo to not loose her patience with Chaeyoung. Mina had always been a weakness for Momo and knowing that Chaeyoung was the reason for her sadness just meant Momo would be upset at her too.

So Sana used her last card. She looked at Dahyun and said, "Dubu is the best candidate but you know how mad Mina can get at someone disturbing her when she demanded she be left alone. You would hate to see her cry if Mina snaps at her. But if that's OK with you I c-" she looked back at Momo to finish her suggestion but she didn't need to.

Momo had just sighed in resignation before standing up and walking directly towards Minas' room.

"Thought so." Sana scoffed shaking her head. Looking back and pointing a strict finger at the other members, who were either slumping in relief or laughing real hard, she said in a serious tone, "You all just do something about the trainer while we are at it." The others stopped laughing instantly and nodded vigorously. A serious Sana could be really scary.

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