The first time

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"Tzuyu-yah!" Sana called out in her high pitched tone.

Chaeyoung felt the girl beside her tense up instantly before they both turned to face the squealing voice.

Sana noticed the tense stance and the panicking eyes that refused to look at her. But even though that made her heart ache she barged on with a radiant smile. She never learnt the meaning of backing down after all. Hell she couldn't remember a time she gave up on something she deemed important. And Tzuyu was the most important of all.

"Let's go to that ride." Sana suggested in a cheerful determined tone pulling the girl without waiting for her answer. She was going to get the answers to why the girl was ignoring her these last few days, through her own will or by force, either would work really.

Chaeyoung stood there and just watched her friend being pulled away and when Tzuyu turned to her with a desperate look in her eyes she just gave her a shrug. Sana was a scary opponent and Chaeyoung had no wish to try and take something she wanted.

Tzuyu gave her a last glare before losing herself in the crowd with her hands clasped tightly with Sana.

"What do you think is happening between the two?" Nayeon asked out loud frowning slightly.

Jeongyeon, too tired to think deeply, muttered, "Whatever it is they will figure it out. Let's just find a seat."

Nayeon instantly turned to her and gave her a huge smile at that as she said, "Yup the seat right there." and pulled the protesting girl with her to the merry go round.

Jihyo looked at their retreating figures and turned to the remaining members. "Anyone else wants to follow?"

Dahyun nodded and would have run after them if Jihyo hadn't caught onto her arm and given her a stern look.

"Go in pairs. I don't want you getting lost."

Momo looked at the cute pout on Dahyun's face and smiled stretching out her hand before saying, "Come on i will go with you."

Dahyun smiled brightly at that and nodded before taking a hold of the outstretched hand and dragging her towards the ride.

Jihyo sighed before looking at the girls left beside her and saying, "You want to join them too?"

Mina shook her head and Chaeyoung shrugged not caring about it. Jihyo suddenly got a call then and she looked at the phone before excusing herself and walking off to a near booth. As she talked her furrowed face changed into a bright smile. She looked back at the two members trying to hide her smile as best she could. She walked up to them and said, "Uh I gotta go to the van. Something came up."

Chaeyoung looked at her and frowned slightly before asking, "What happened to not being alone?"

Jihyo chuckled before pointing at the merry go round where they could hear screams and shrieks coming from their members, "They are not really people I trust with being alone."

Mina chuckled along with her before proposing, "Go I will keep an eye on them for you."

Jihyo smiled grateful at her and walked away feeling slightly guilty for lying, but then the thought of meeting him made her smile again.

Chaeyoung watched the girl walk away and then sighed before turning to the girl beside her, "You know it's not an easy job keeping an eye on them right unnie?"

Mina looked at the merry go round before muttering, "I am sure we will manage."

A few hours later and Mina felt like she had been run over by a truck... Twice. Right now Jeongyeon was trying to talk Nayeon out of going into the horror house because that girl sure as hell would cry the minute she stepped in, while Nayeon pouted and whined about how she really wouldn't get scared and how it will be a great experience.

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