The fight pt.2

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"How could she say that to me? I am her favorite Unnie, she always says so. How could she order me around like that? How could she order me around like i was-" she stopped short.

A sigh escaped her as she finally came to the root of the problem. She looked at the always calm and understanding eyes in front of her before she continued, "She reminded me of being controlled. Of them. Even though I know her. She isn't bad you know. I mean she is always a really kind person. Helping people even when they don't ask for it and acting like she doesn't care when actually she does. I have only known her for a year but its clear to see how guarded she is. How she acts cold to ward off people." She bit her lip as she mumbled out, "She isn't cruel like them. It's just that she doesn't really know how to show her emotions yet. And i guess.." she groaned as she concluded with a sigh, "she just didn't know how to show her worry for me."

Coming to that realisation Mina leaned back against the shelves behind her. Closing her eyes tight she felt the earlier anger drain out of her.

"I guess i was lying to myself when i said i forgot everything. I guess what i had been doing was hiding it in corners." she opened her eyes and looked at the potrait in her arm and whispered, "The memories were right there taunting me. Coming out whenever some action or word triggered it. I just didn't notice before. It's as you told me once before mom. I just can't let anyone control me. I let it change me."

She felt tears well up in her eyes and escape down her cheek. She wanted to just have a crying jag right there but instead she wiped the tears away. This wasn't a place for a pity party. She had just come here because she had really needed to rant. Her mother wouldn't like to see her breakdown after all.

So instead she just smiled and giggled sheepishly, "I am as stubborn as you. That's what Uncle says. And i guess he is right. I just don't know when to let go." Sighing she stood up and placed the photo back in the glass compartment beside the urn. She stood there holding a bunch of pink roses in her arms and muttered, "I really don't know how to solve this mess mom. But i will try. That's the only thing left to do."

*** *** *** *** ***

Momo refused to tell anyone about Mina's whereabouts only giving them assurance that she was safe. Though Nayeon and Jihyo wouldn't take that as an answer and demanded insistently that she let them know Mina's whereabouts immediately in order check on her, Momo remained stubborn in her refusal. After all it wasn't her information to share.

Jeongyeon, as perceptive as always about someone's need to keep a secret, was trying to calm the two of them down while Dahyun stood leaning against a nearby tree tired and relieved that atleast someone knew where their missing member was.

Standing a bit further away from them Sana sought Momo's eyes and upon meetings them shared a knowing look with her, a sad sigh escaping her. This didn't escape the notice of Tzuyu who was standing beside her and had been watching her this whole time. With a slight tilt of her head the young girl tried to figure out why her older friend looked so sad and resigned. Unable to figure out an answer she just resorted to wrapping an arm around her waist in a show of comfort. Sana didn't hesitate to melt into the strong sturdy arms beside her, her thoughts filled with worry for her friend.

And outside of all of this, at a short distance, Chaeyoung just stood near their van with arms crossed frowning over the recent information.

Finally the manager, who had been witnessing the chaos this whole time shouted, "Girls!" and all of them looked at the source of the shout to find an almost harssed looking manager leaning against the door of the car.

Making sure all attention was on him he ordered in a stern voice, "Stop panicking for a minute." Then, when he was sure the two frustrated girls would maintain their quiet, he turned to look at Momo as he asked, "Are you sure she is fine?"

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