Chapter 25 ~ The Bullied

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I began walking back to what I would say is now mine and Kellin's house or at least it is while his parents are gone. I wouldn't call my Father one of my parents anymore, not after he says he loves me then abandons me even after realising what I've been through but it's been long enough since they've left, I've become used to the feeling of being unwanted but Kellin made sure that feeling never bothered me because he never made me believe that I wasn't loved.

"Vic, I'll meet you back home. I need to go get something from Jesse's house, I'll be back soon," he said to me and I nodded after he placed a small kiss to the end of my nose.

I watched him walk off and go round the corner until he was out of sight, in my complete own little world and content by the overwhelming emotions I'd be drowned in by just hearing him say my name. I'm really in love with this boy, aren't I?

The little time that I was mesmerised was soon put to an end when I felt a hand cover my mouth. I tried to scream but the sound was muffled by the hand at the same another hand was placed over my eyes blocking out all light. I could feel myself panicking a little more by every single second I spent trapped by whoever this was, harshly being pulled to somewhere I didn't know and couldn't see.

I heard some people shouting things such as "What are those boys doing?" and "Is he OK?". So I knew that the people doing this to me were guys.. Oli and Josh to be more exact but I thought we were naming guys here.

I must've said that out loud because before I knew it the hand covering my mouth moved up a little more to also cover my nose, stopping me from breathing and my eyes widened under what I guessed was Oli's hand as he was the one who liked to actually be the one to hurt me.

We got back to what I believed was the back of the school and my thoughts were made certain when Oli removed his hands from my face and I realised we were stood the other side of the wall of my form room. Oli smirked at me slightly, evilly.

"So what the hell was that then, Fuentes?" he said intimidatingly using my surname just to make it worse. "You seriously call that singing? And what was up with those lyrics? Whatever band wrote it must be a bunch of.. Wait, don't tell me you wrote that song?"

I just stood there completely unsure of what to reply with, either way I'd get myself beaten up all over again by the two guys in front of me. All I could manage was to gulp before barely visibly nodding my head which gave Oli the opportunity to smirk once more before slapping me hard across the face.

"Why don't I try slapping some talent into you?" he said then eyed me closely, "that didn't work? I'm so sorry, let me try that again." Another slap to my face. I was helpless in situations like these, I could never defend for myself, even if I tried all I would be able to do was feel my knees go weak and instead put all of my effort into just trying to not collapse.

"Hey, Josh, it's still not working. You want to have a go?" Oli called over her shoulder to Josh who was stood back a little distance away from us. He looked undecided but nevertheless came forward and placed a smack right across my face without a uttering a single word. After that he just stepped back to his original position.

"Those lyrics were so.. Depressing. Just like you, I guess. Which makes me wonder 'If I were you I'd put that away'.. Let's take a look at what's most definitely on those wrists of yours.." He said and lunged forward, aiming to get a tight grip on my wrists but I screamed at him and tugged my arm back but it didn't stop him from catching it again and pulling up my sleeves. At first his eyes widened at how serious my scars were but it only lasted for a millisecond before they returned to being ice cold.

"Looks like you've stopped doing it.. Let's change that shall we?" he said, smiling crookedly making my skin crawl as my eyes widened again. He wouldn't do that much harm to me, would he? Of course, he would.

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