Chapter 28 ~ The Graves

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I was surprised to find myself wake up on the roof of Kellin's house but soon realising that I was in the safe grasp of Kellin's arms made me instantly calm as I snuggled in closer. I could tell by his breathing pattern that he was still in deep sleep so I silenced my own breathing a little to hear him. I could feel his warm breathes on the back of my neck as I rested my head lightly on his chest, tickling my skin. I looked up, careful not to wake him up, and took a quick glance at his beautiful sleeping face. I loved how his mouth slightly parted open as he exhaled, his long eyelashes toucing the top of his cheeks. I moved the hair that had fallen over his face out of the way and thought about his piercing eyes and how beautiful they looked when they were open and I suddenly felt myself longing to see them. I planted a small kiss on his lips hoping that it was enough for him to wake up and sure enough it was. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he smiled when he saw me above him.

"Good morning, Vic," he said and put his hand up to frame my face and play with my hair a little. To be honest, I didn't really like it when he fiddled with strands of my hair but it was Kellin, how could I not find it adorable?

"Why good morning, Kells," I said back smiling at him. It felt nice to be able to wake up with the person I love more than anything, the person whose kept me alive. I remember he once told me he didn't want to be anyone's saviour but when he realised he was definitely mine the thought never seemed to cross his mind again. I positioned myself back down on his chest so that I was comfortable again or as comfortable as you can get on a roof.

"Thank you for this, Kellin," I said motioning at the roof we were laying on and the blankets spread over us, "You have no idea how much it means to me to know that you went through all this trouble for me." I said and blushed at how much of a girl I sounded but it didn't really take much consideration to figure out that I was pretty much the girl in our relationship. He just nodded and smiled at me with a look of pure admiration.

"And you have no idea how much it means to me to be able to just lay here with you. I wish it could stay this way forever," he said, making my smile wider at how sweet his words were. He then looked at his watch which was still tightly around his wrist. We were both in our clothes from yesterday, neither of us felt comfortable changing outside where people could easily see our exposed bodies. Well, I wasn't at least. Kellin was confident in his body and he had no reason to not be.

"Come on, it's almost the afternoon and I have somewhere I need to be," he said and helped me up although I frowned at the thought of him ending this so soon, he had barely been awake for long, "I really wish this would last longer though," he smiled at me apologetically but I just immediately forgave him because of how genuinley sorry he looked. Besides, the fact this whole thing had even happened was perfect enough for me. Kellin took my hand and led me to the edge of the roof where the ladder still stood and we climbed down.

"I'm going to go have a shower," he said as we walked into the house, "Then I'm going to go meet up with some guys who went to a different school but Gabe and Jesse know them too. Their names are Justin and Jack, you can come too if you want?" he asked with a hopeful look in his eyes but I shook my head kind of regretting it. I wanted to spend more time with him and maybe make some new friends but I thought it was about time to do something. He pouted a little at the rejection.

"I'm sorry but I think it would be good if I visited Max today?" I ended up asking rather than stating but Kellin quickly composed himself and nodded his head in understanding. I hadn't seen my Uncle since the day he confessed the whole truth to me. I supposed he had decided to stop stalking me since there was no longer any need to. Kellin smiled again before turning and heading up the stairs, two steps at a time. He didn't seem right this morning, his eyes lost the usual spark they held but I brushed it off and saw it as nothing. I sat myself down on the plush sofa and checked the few social apps I owned as I waited for Kellin to finish up in the bathroom so I could use it after. Sure, there were more bathrooms but I was fussy and especially liked the one next to Kellin's room. It had all of my stuff in it anyway. 

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