Chapter 18 ~ The Hole

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We're still running and I don't know how long we will continue running for. We haven't stopped apart from once but he's injured badly. We've come across another creature but this one isn't so nostalgic, it's not much of a creature either. It, he, is a person. I'm a head of the boy next to me as the creature walks straight past me and stands in front of him.


I look at it and see the various scars covering it's body, it only wears a slightly transparent gown, enveloped in blood and dirt. It's hair is dark and shoulder length but isn't brushed at all, it looks distressed. It has no shoes on and as the ground we're running on is rough it has cuts on the bottom of it's feet but it walks with ease as if it didn't faze it and that the pain is only normal. It's face though, is not human. It's eyes, they aren't even eyes. More like dark holes that swallow you. It bares the face of a demon although if you look closely enough you can almost clearly see the sorrowful aura masking it.

It approaches him and starts speaking but I can't hear it's voice. He can. With each word that is said the more his face will fall, the more tears that will appear. I watch in horror, frozen at the sight of seeing the person I love in such grief. I want to run at it and pull it away from him but I can't, all I can do is watch and feel our hearts break together but I don't even know the reason why. It begins to slowly take small, gradual steps towards him without once taking a breath from her inaudible speach. With every step I can see that blood is beginning to seep through his shirt, around his chest, above his heart. The blood seems as if it is coming from deep cuts that will surely leave scars.

I don't know how long it will last for but it will destroy me. Eventually, after his shirt is drenched in not only blood from him but it too, he leaps at it and throws his arms around it, embracing it in a tight hug. I have no idea what is happening but I notice them turn around so I am now looking at the creature's face which is when I realise.. It's my face. It's eyes have returned to normal and it's demon possessed features have disappeared. The expression that paints it's face gives the impression that it felt it's soul had been freed as it slowly disappears into thin air.


I think about the event as we continue to run. He hasn't spoken since and it occurred a couple days ago. I'm not sure when but at some point he had gripped my hand again but he's holding it tighter than he ever has before, so hard I think my wrist could possibly break. The spark in his eyes have disappeared but there's still love in them which is enough to keep me going. We've faced various creatures but we haven't confronted any together, each creature has been a challenge for us individually so as another appears in front of us I think it's only time for us to defeat this one together. I thought they'd all be beautiful like the hawk but now I see differently. On the outside these living things seem to display beauty but it's what's below the surface that will kill you.

This time it's a man. It's a man I recognize and he knows him too. He let's go of my hand and walks up to the man with no caution at all. He and the man now stand side by side, they're still but I feel them move away from me, further and further by the second.

"Glad you decided to come back, son," is what I hear the man say before I notice a hole appear by my feet. He only nods in agreement before setting his eyes back on me. I try to walk to him but the hole only grows bigger, restricting my movement. I stand back and watch the hole deepen at a fast pace but it doesn't stop, I can't see it continuing to expand down below but I know it is. I look back up at him scared of what I think could possibly happen next but he's not standing with the man anymore, he's behind me. I feel his hand on my back and all of a sudden I am falling into the bottomless pit. The speed I am falling at is too much for me to even scream but I manage to lift my gaze to where I stood only a few seconds ago. He's peering at me from the top, crying and the blood is starting to threaten to escape from his heart again. He mutters one thing before I'm gone, down the never ending highway to hell.

"Now you're alone."

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