Chapter 1

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Where is second shift she thought as she finished doing her tickets. She couldn't leave until at least one of second shifts servers were on the floor.

"Hey Amb, do you think you could stay a few extra minutes until Shauna gets here?" Her boss Bill asked as he walked out on the floor.

"How long? I have to get my son from my sisters"

"No more than thirty minutes" she sighed.

"Fine let me go to the back and talk to Ashley and tell her I'm gonna be a little late. Amber headed to the back and called her sister.

"Amber where are you, I have places to be and I am still watching your son"

"Yeah I know, I know but Shauna still isn't here, just the second shift cook and Bill isn't letting me leave"

"He does know you have a child right?"

"Yes, that's why I'm first shift now and not second or graveyard. Look, I need you too watch him just a little bit longer please"

"You've done this more than once, you act like no one else has a life"

"Ashley please come on now you know I can't afford a babysitter or daycare right now."

"I'll bring him to your job, but I got places to be bye sis"

"Ash!" She hung up, Amber groaned in frustration today was not her day. She walked back out on the floor and told Bill what happened.

"You know we can't do that Amber"

"Your basically making me work Shauna's shift again. You know where I'm at in life what else am I suppose to do"

"Fine, but keep him still don't have him running all around. Ill see if I can get a hold of Shauna, but until I call you with an update your 2-9"

"Fine Bill"

"Hey, tomorrow is your Friday cheer up" he said grabbing his things to leave.

"My first Friday in two months whoopee" she answered blandly. She watched as he left. There was no manager for second and third shift, only first because of the morning rush. She worked at Waffle House a open 24/7 diner where the beggers, homeless and crackheads come to loiter. She had one lady come in to use the restroom, piss on the bathroom floor, come out and tell her that she peed on the floor, then walk out.

"Hey your sister is here" Dani tapped her shoulder. She was friends with the second shift cook. Her name is Danielle Sanchez and she has a three year old daughter named Madison and she was bestfriends with Niamiah.

"Mommy!" Her five year old said hugging her around the legs.

"Hi baby"

"Can I stay with you?"

"You'll have to until Mommy can leave. I want you to sit at the low bar where mommy can see you" Niamiah sat where he was told to.

"Okay" she faced Ashley.

"Thanks for keeping him today Ash"

"Your very welcome, but I have to go. Bye Niamiah"

"Bye Tete Ash" he waved as she walked out. Amber gave him some orange juice and a plate of hashbrowns to keep him quiet and busy doing anything else but moving around the store. A half hour went bye and Shauna was officially a no call no show. The store phone rang so Amber answered.

"Waffle House on Grand this is Amber how can I help you today"

"Hey Amber, your my 2-9 today" it was Bill.

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