Chapter 18: part 2

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Amber POV

Mama B had taken me to meet some people that liked my music. After that she dragged me everywhere and introduced me as her daughter in law. Everyone knew who she was, because Mama B was well known, she helped out frequently in her community and other communities. She had such a big heart and she was really sweet.

"Mama, can I go find Rod"

"Baby we got to introduce you to everyone and make you known baby"

"I know, but my feet are killing me in these heels"

"Alright, go ahead and rest your toes. I think I saw him at the bar somewhere"

"Thank you" I kissed her cheek and walked towards the bar. I saw him talking to some woman, but he didn't seem too into their conversation. I walked over to him and rested my hand on the small of his back to get his attention.

"Hey baby"


"Who is your friend"

"She's just someone I ran into a few times, what's your name again"


"Hey, I'm Amber"

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"Hey, I'm Amber"


"So how did you two meet"

"At the park a few months ago, he was with his son and I was with my daughter and I gave him my number so we could set up a play date"


"Why didn't you call me, my daughter has been waiting to play with your son"

"Amber wasn't around, so I thought I would wait"

"I would have been fine with it. When we get back to LA we can set that up"

"Sounds like a plan to me"

"Amber, come here honey" Diana asked.

"Excuse me for a second" I smiled and walked away.

"Who the hell is that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do y'all know her?"

"Not really, but it doesn't matter I trust him"

Through it all || Amber Riley x JacqueesWhere stories live. Discover now