Chapter 31

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A week later...

There was a knock on the door and Jacquees stood to answer it. When he opened the door he didn't know who this woman was.


"Does Amber Riley reside here" she said Ambers name like it aggravated her.

"She does, why exactly and who are you?"

"... Her mother"

"Oh, okay" he invited her in.

"Baby" Jacquees yelled up the stairs.


"Someone's here to see you"

"... Uhhh, okay I have to make it quick though" she said as she quickly came down the stairs.

"You look beautiful baby" he said as he kissed her.

"Thank you, who's here for me?" He pointed to the woman currently standing in the living room. Amber looked behind her and saw her mother, she immediately looked back at Jacquees.

"What's she doing here?"

"I don't know?"

"Get her out of my house"

"That's your mom"

"No, as far as I'm concerned that is not my mother" Amber crossed her arms.

"You haven't seen her in a while, go talk to your mom Amb"

"I don't want to be bothered with her, so no"



"Mrs Riley!" He waved her over and Amber punched him in his arm.

"Hello Amber"

"Hello Ms Riley"

"Well, the entire family noticed your absence at your sisters wedding"

"I sent a gift though"

"Your tacky his and her wine glasses aren't enough. Now if you were anything like your cousin Allison, she bought them tickets to Cancun"

"I thought that's what you bought her Amber?" Jacquees asked.

"I did, Allison does this all the time just to make me look bad I'm not surprised she took credit for my gift"

"You bought the tickets?"


"How, your little boyfriends money?"

"My money"

"What money Amber?"

"From my album mom, I'm a singer now"

"I'm not surprised you used your boyfriends fame for your own selfish needs"

"She didn't actually" Jacquees spoke again.

"Mmm, the family is still highly dissapointed in you"

"I'm sure they had so much to say"

"They did indeed"

"Why are you here?"

"Surprisingly they moved our meeting here in L.A, the company were trying to partner with couldn't make the trip so we had to do it" she answered with a roll of her eyes.

"Okay, but... Why are you here in my house?"

"His house, he invited me in that's why I'm in his house"

"What do you want?"

"I'm here to invite you to my daughters baby shower"

"I guess since I moved away I'm being invited to things now, well ain't that about a-"

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